Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Wednesday Post 310c

Good afternoon and probably one final greeting for Wednesday! Em's new plodding total for Wednesday now stands @ 1865. Righteo, just briefly let's cover yesterday's events first!
  • Last night, after I had some tasteless rice leftovers for dinner, Kerry came to drive me and others to the Ignite night talk again!
  • Right, will let myself off my usual two games of Bejeweled coz the computer's being slow today, I've already played one game lasting more than eight minutes, one lasting almost nine minutes and one lasting more than twelve minutes!
  • Last night the Irish speaker talked about Jeremiah when the night before he discussed Isaiah. I believe tonight he's covering Ezekiel.
  • Afterwards, everyone was hungry so we all had supper @ the Warrigal Square Maccas. I finally had a bacon 'n' egg McMuffin @ 10:30pm!! XD
  • Home and hit the sack. I was lucky coz since PIG mum had already retired upstairs into pigland Ela got a break last night and Elf got to wear her sock~
  • Today: yay, 3rd consecutive awesome sleep last night! Nature didn't call until 7:50am and after one pot :P trip I went straight back to sleep coz I didn't know what time PIG mum would begin her daily a-THUMPING around. Whoops, forgot I'm just noting today's events down briefly:
  • Got myself a spoon, had breakfast, did a stinky unspeakable and watched Seven's morning news.
  • Deb came @ 12:15pm; after I munched a toasted tuna sandwich for lunch, we went out to Calamvale Central to buy one box of cheap tissues and one egg salad sushi roll for my arvo tea~
  • Got home, turned alarm off and then took a nice warm shower - hairwash today. Also thanks to Deb who helped me rinse my hair out, thus freeing Era to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
  • I had one tinkle before I flipped the nice warm water off, got dried, got creamed and had another tinkle. When Deb was rekitting me, I had one more tinkle when she was doing Elf's AFO straps and once last when she was drying my glasses after washing them for me.
  • Arvo tea was my eggy sushi roll (thanks to Nat for more soya sauce) and one big mug of white tea with two sugars.
  • At 3:10pm I used the loo once more for two tinkles coz I thought Nat was leaving @ 3:15pm but her shift didn't actually end until 4:15pm!
  • Tonight Charlie's taking me to the third night of Ignite talks! We learnt about Isaiah Monday and Jeremiah last night; tonight it's Ezekiel's turn!
  • Fingers crossed we can have supper @ Maccas; mother has already restricted me to only three nuggets and a soft serve but I'll try get that with a Flake. XD
  • Toms: Deb's taking me for my fortnightly shopping trip! It's just us for lunch though, so I'll let her pick which place with HK-style milk tea we're eating at. XD
  • Best of all, it's ice cream night toms night! Like I always say, a very little's better than none @ all! Righteo, hope everyone's having a smashing wek! Sorry I can't manage five posts today. XD
    Em. ^^

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