Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Thursday Post 300b

Heylo again and potentially one final greeting for Thursday! Em's potential final, final plodding total for Thursday now stands @ sth slightly over 1145. Righteo, potential final, final events for today?
  • At 4:11pm I've played one game of Bejeweled lasting 6:02. Now, lemme finish one more lasting between five and six minutes, and I promise to willingly hit the sack tonight. XD
  • Now @ 4:28pm I've finished one more game of Bejeweled lasting 5:22. That's today's quotas satisfied and I now promise to willingly hit the sack tonight. XD Actually, I further promise not to play again until toms, coz for my first game I already lasted 8:16!
  • Phew, Deb arrived promptly @ 8am for once. XD Dunno why she had to ask "How long?" when she knocked and opened the door; it's ALWAYS fifteen more minutes." XD
  • Whoops only ten minutes left! Super-briefly, then:
  • Did a stinky unspeakable this morning.
  • Attended first GCCW meeting for the year! Only eight attended … prolly everyone else still enjoying holidays. XD Next fortnight's homework: New Year's resolutions.
  • Had lunch @ Ho Lin Wah.
  • Came home, turned alarm off and showered - hairwash today. Also thanks to Deb who helped me rinse my hair, thus freeing Era to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
  • Dried, creamed and rekitted, I tootle online and await PIG mum's arrival home from work.
  • Peel myself one yummy banana for arvo tea.
  • Kim's taking me to book club @ 5:30pm.
  • It's ice cream night tonight, yay! Like I always say, a very little's better than none @ all!
  • Toms: perhaps expect a super-pissy plodding total from me?
  • May haveta get myself up. *sigh*
  • Fingers crossed I can watch Seven's morning news!
  • Would love to eat lunch out but seeing I didn't endure blasted physio for PIG mum this week, they may not happen. If it doesn't, perhaps expect a super-pissy plodding total from me?
  • Seeing Ray for some acupuncture and massage around 2pm; bet PIG mum's just DYING to yap unceasingly @ him. XD
  • Kim's minding me from 4pm till 6pm coz she doesn't come Saturday arvos anymore.
  • Righteo, hopefully bbl tonight else hope everyone has a smashing end to their week toms!
    Em. ^^

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