Saturday, January 25, 2020

Sunday Post 301

Good afternoon! Today I enjoyed my 3rd consecutive awesome sleep (didn’t get up till 9:15) and then we spent Australia Day touring some markets! Pity PIG mum wouldn’t let me buy anything... Moved to our new digs for the rest of our trip; turns out this place doesn’t come with a washing machine! Maui say it was refreshing for once not to have to attend church, sing songs I don’t mean anything of and hear a sermon I’ll have totally forgotten by lunchtime?Hence I spent this afternoon at Best And Less with PIG mum buying small clothes then the parents went to Woolies and bought an entire TROLLEY FULL of groceries! WTF, I thought the point of an interstate trip was to sample the local cuisine?? *sigh* never mind...also, are there like no Asians in Adelaide; there aren’t any Hk-style cafes here!!!  Worst of all, the checkout chic at Best and Less didn’t know if there were any chocolate cafes here, although apparently there’s a chocolate factory somewhere...

Em. ^^

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