Monday, February 3, 2020

Monday Post 302e

Good evening! Firstly, Em's new plodding total for Monday now stands @ 1115 (aww, why couldn't I have plodded four less steps? 1111 would've sounded cooler! XD); secondly, Our Daily Bread's devotional topic's 'A Fire Called Holy' and thirdly, Joni's devotional topic's 'Jesus The Promise Keeper'. Anyways, just briefly, continuing tonight's events?
  • At 5:55pm I headed over to the television to watch Seven's 6pm bulletin. Thanks to dearest dad who'd left the remote on the table for me to turn the TV back on and watch it, not the sofa and yay, that's the 9th time I've gotten to watch the entire Seven's news 6pm bulletin!
  • Before dinner I walked myself once slowly and safely to the loo for one tinkle and back,  rising above the cruel and unfaithful Gods near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over. 
  • Dinner tonight: rice, lotsa little tong vegetable, some carrot and some fish. Pity I had to let horrid PIG mum gleefully force poor Ela to hold onto the dumbbell, but hey.
  • Dinner was spooned down with one bowl of sofa before I walked myself slowly and safely back online, again rising above the cruel and unfaithful Gods near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over. 
  • Anyways, fingers crossed I can bbl shortly after 9pm following one last loo trip with my final, final plodding total for tonight, the final, final events for Monday plus what's happening toms, else hope everyone has a smashing Tuesday ahead!
    Em. ^^
    P.S. Tee hee, I've already managed FIVE posts tonight! Should be able to keep continuing that every Monday while Alyssa comes to give Ela OT~ XD

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