Saturday, June 9, 2012

saturday post 95b

good evening! em's new plodding total for saturday now stands @ 1238. hey, don't ask me how i managed to plod more than one thousand steps without going anywhere last night. XD anyways, continuing today's events?
-'twas soo who came today!
-so a nice hot shower for me first - hairwash today. also thanks to soo who rinsed out my hair for me, thus freeing era to hold my stupid right eye tightly shut.
-i had one tinkle before soo flipped the nice hot water off, she dried me, i had another tinkle then i got creamed. soo rekitted me, and i had one last tinkle when she was jamming on elf's shoe.
-after rinsing once under the chair for me, i held soo's hand and walked to the gobbling :P table for afternoon tea. first, though, soo kindly dried my hair.
-then soo lemme make the perfect arvo tea! may was a great month for them; hopefully june will be, too!
-i drank one mug of tea, white and two, 'incorrectly', while soo had one mug of yummy mint green tea.
-after i'd finished arvo tea, soo massaged ela for forty minutes, painting her something like yellow with light green spots today. while she massaged, i read feist's newest novel, stopping occasionally to watch some music clip of korean pop music. originally, soo had found me one called 'butterfly', but i'd laughed and told her, "soo, i'm female, i wanna see hunky guys, not girls!" XD
-at 5:55pm, soo took me once more to the loo for two tinkles. dunno when she'll come back again, but i hope it's soon!
-i returned online, although nine's news really isn't working. >< *sigh*
-guess aunty a's arriving for dinner soon. fingers crossed i can bbl, else i've already written what's happening toms in my previous post.
em. ^^

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