Friday, June 15, 2012

saturday post 96

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 1499 steps today (meaning, if i get to return online after annette leaves tonight, i'm certain i'll have passed 1.5 grand. XD) and secondly, TWFT topic's "wait and you'll experience god's best." but before i start with last night's events, lemme clarify one thing first: pedro's fickle! usually, he gives me 500 steps @ the end of friday night; sometimes, it's as low as 250 steps. however, last night, he'd given me 850! XD anyways, let's start off with last night's events first!
-after the usual dinner and a loo trip, PIG mum tootled me off to SHINE fellowship.
-we started off last night with the hypothetical question: if there was a fire, what thing would you grab and run away with? silly me misunderstood and thought this question was posed @ church; i answered, i'd grab this chair coz i need sth touching the ground with to run away with!" then i explained coz i've got such crappy balance now, i'd prolly just fall over and not know how to pick myself back up; i said i'd only fallen over once this year (at SHINE fellowship, actually! and did uncle kelvin and thomas both remember how they both ran over and helped me back up? both nodded but when thomas explained he meant what would i take if i were @ home i said i'd take sparky, but if he wasn't charged, i'd take sparkless. thomas asked, "but i thought you had a favourite teddy bear? wouldn't you take him with you?" i grinned, waved my paper @ him. "he's the next thing i'd take." XD
-anyways, after worship, this girl who also studies theology like thomas helped me once to the loo and back, before we did our bible study.
-and next week, we're having hotpot!
-dad drove me home afterwards, giving me some usual rant. >< *sigh* but on the bright side, elf wore her sock to sleep last night! :D no freezing feet for her~
--today: i used the pot :P twice last night and once more when PIG mum left for work @ 7:45am. then i used the ten minutes till 7:55am to have  a mainly silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him to please help me with all the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i needed to get through today with, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied. then i cuddled bear bear and returned happily to sleep with him, waking twice more to use the pot :P before tess arrived promptly @ 10am.
-but she lemme cuddle with bear bear till almost 10:30am before coming and patting me up. XD
-one more tinkle in the pot told me i wanted to do a stinky unspeakable.
-tess got me kitted, then we walked over to the gobbling bathroom together, where i brushed my teeth and also drank one mug of water 'incorrectly' before going over to the loo and doing my stinky unspeakable. i also leaned against the side rail and finished my mostly silent chat to percy and asked him please to help me through today.
-after going over to wash and dry era, tess and i linked arms and we walked out to the gobbling  :P table together.
-first, i asked tess please to pour me one mug of milk. there, the problem of not getting any before bed last night/the night before all cleared up. :)
-again, i love saturday's, coz it's when i get the most breakfast! :D today, dad fried some ham and eggs and tess put that into two slices of raisin bread with one slice of cheese; she even brought me sth i've never tried before - a strawberry danish! super-yummy! :D and, i even had two small but yummy chunks of garlic bread! :D
-afterwards, tess took me once to the loo, before massaging ela for around forty minutes while i played with her iphone.
-at midday, tess took me again to the loo and made me some warm milo, sweetened with some sugar.
-i rang aunty lai and we chatted for around eleven minutes.
-then i rang aunty nga, but she asked to call me back in five minutes coz she wanted the amah to tell me some recipe for making potato cakes so i could transcribe it into english for her!
-so tess took me once to the loo, then i turned on the computer and searched for indonesian restaurants in brisbane for tess.
-when the call came, i put it on speaker phone and went through the instructions with annie jie jie. thankfully, PIG mum had returned home by then, coz annie jie jie said 'corn flour' in canto and i was like 'what?!' XD
-after tess left, i headed over to the gobbling :P table for lunch. sticky rice with lotsa yummy cauliflower! PIG mum also made us mugs of yummy rice green tea, sweetened with a lil honey.
-i went once more to the loo then plopped online.
-actually, @ 3pm, i took myself once more slowly and safely to the loo.
-and now i've got like forty minutes for reading! naruto comic, here i come! XD
-annette's coming to shower me @ 4pm, then aunty a's coming over for dinner!
-toms: nothing special, just church. fingers crossed we can hit plaza for lunch, and i'll get some visitors who'll bring arvo tea toms!
em. ^^
P.S. new final plodding total after loo trip, 1583.

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