Saturday, June 9, 2012

saturday post 95c

good evening again! em's new plodding total for saturday now stands @ sth less than 1488. less than, coz when dinner was called, i took myself once to the loo first, but when checking pedro, i was surprised to discover that he'd already given me eighty-eight steps! and goodness knows, PIG mum can cover that distance in like, ten steps. XD anyways, continuing tonight's events?
-when aunty a arrived, i went once more to the loo (of course, doing everything myself) then sat @ the gobbling :P table.
-PIG mum gleefully forced poor ela on ages of exercises, just the three that vincent the physio has set. piglet enjoyed flying to aunty a. XD
-dinner tonight: yummy normal rice, lotsa bok choy (wonder why PIG mum didn't gimme any cauliflower?), some fish (sea perch, i think) and two/three wee slices of chicken, which i saved for last, of course. dinner was washed down with one seriously yucky bowl of papaw soup, then i returned online slowly and safely by myself, PIG mum too busy gossiping with aunty a to care if her severely disabled daughter made it safely back to the computer desk or not. but again, i managed to rise above god's hatred and not fall~
-anyways, will visit the loo once more around 9pm, then hopefully bbl with my final, final plodding total for today and events for toms!
em. ^^

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