Thursday, November 8, 2012

thursday post 105b

heylo again, good evening and one final greeting for tonight! em's final, final plodding total for thursday now stands @ 3956 (sorry, not quite four grand; another day perhaps. XD) and joni's devotional topic's 'quantity and quality'. righteo, just quickly, final, final events for tonight?
-annette arrived precisely @ 4pm and watched me shower.
-arvo tea was the normal toastie plus one mug of tea.
-annette massaged ela for about twenty minutes, then 'twas time for book club!
-PIG mum took me once to the loo when we arrived.
-lol, erika cautioned me tonight, "only one, em," she said, obviously meaning biscuit. i said, "sure, only one of each." XD that equaled five~
-then afterwards, we all went to chin chin for dinner!
-yay for whoever filled our rice bowls; i got one heaped bowlful, just like everyone else!
-honey and lemon chicken, sweet and sour pork, omelette, yum!
-dinner came @ twenty bucks apiece and when PIG mum tootled us home, dearest dad had just arrived home, too. :o)
-toms: late morning torture session with vincent the bloody physio. >< fingers crossed i can see naz for some lunch afterwards, and buy one sushi roll for arvo tea!
-and aunty lucia's coming to help me with a shower toms arvo.
-righteo, hope everyone has a smashing end to their week toms!
em. ^^

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