Tuesday, November 20, 2012

tuesday post 116b

heylo again! em's new plodding total for tuesday now stands @ 5238 (hah, pedro reckons i'm more than half a normal person today XD) and i'm still waiting for joni's devotional. righteo, continuing today's events?
-before annette arrived, PIG mum actually gleefully FORCED :( me to walk outside and bring all the washing back in.
-annette arrived just before 4pm, had a short yak with PIG mum, then Forced me to walk to the bathroom for my nice hot shower - i washed and rinsed my own hair today.
-i had one tinkle before i flipped the nice hot water off, mostly dried myself (annette helped only with my back and era), mostly creamed myself (again, annette helped only with my back and era) and mostly rekitted myself (annette helped only with my AFO). then i went over to the loo for two tinkles.
-woohoo, after Forcing me to walk out to the kitchen to make my own arvo tea, annette lemme make a double perfect arvo toastie! :D that's SIX times already! :D i also made myself one mug of tea, white sweetened with one spoonful of honey, my mug for today to hold 'incorrectly'.
-at 4:25pm, annette massaged ela for exactly thirty minutes, painting her all the colours of the box amy had given me! she also wrote what i had to mix each little bottle with alcohol with.
-at 5;55pm, annette took me to the loo once more before leaving. she's taking me to garbo on thursday! :D and her family's having pork with apple sauce for dinner tonight.
-me, when PIG mum comes back inside, i'll haveta offer her the chance to gleefully FORCE :( me to walk on the bloody treadmill for her. ><" *sigh* fingers crossed i can bbl, else i've already said what's happening toms in tuesday post 116.
em. ^^

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