Friday, August 2, 2013

Saturday post 131

Good morning and hello from tessa's iPhone! Enjoy the capitalisation at the start of sentences and whatnot, but excuse the random auto text. XD anyways, digi says I have been hard at work plodding 794 steps today, remembering that like 695 of those steps were plodded last night. Tessa's reset digi before he had a chance to convert steps to metres or kilocalories, so he can have a holiday today. XD anyways, let's start off with last noght's events first!
-before PIG mum tootled me off to FX, she gleefully forced poor ela on 35+ minutes of stupid exercises for her, then gleefully forced poor elf to endure a painful ten minute standing calf stretch (usually, it is fifteen, but I guess we were running late today) and finally gleefully FORCED :( me to plod twenty minutes on the bloody treadmill for her.  Then, after dinner and one more loo trip, she tootled me off to church for FX!
-the moment I got there, Hilda's immediately complemented me on my cool hat, like I said, PIG mum, you have obviously got no taste, because pole, hairy, bee, wells and Alan all said the same thing, that's my hat/beanie looks cool. XD
-last night, josh tan from SDBC spoke! I had a brief chat to him before we started, thanked him for leaving that comment on my original taleofepic blog that I used to keep and laughed that yes, I had not forgotten him.
Dunno why we did not have to sing any songs, but after someone interviewed josh, he started right in talking about evangelism. I took copious notes and did the quiz at the end, which revealed to me that my evangelism style was direct.
-thanks to July who walked behind me once to the loo and back around 9pm.
-afterwards, Alan walked out with me to get some supper, just as jeany walked towards me with a serviette of hot wedges! So Alan grabbed me a chair, I sat down, then jeany and I had two/three yummy wedges each. Then someone told me there was sweet potato dessert soup and peanut tong yuen (say that in canto)! I said I could not have the peanut tong yuen but could I please have some sweet potato dessert soup? Jeff laughed and said he had put one peanut tong yuen into the sweet potato dessert soup to see if it would explode, which it did not, but he was afraid that some peanut might have leaked out. I said that would be fine and he kindly brought over one cup for me. Someone was also handing out little fun sized twice bars! I munched one~
-when dad came for me, jeany came with, carrying my picnic chair that I had left on his car last Sunday.
-dad tootled us home, where IG mum had already arrived home from going out for a drink with aunty ping tee/Catherine.
-so instant bedtime for me, zzz~
-today: I used the pot:p three times last night, once more during pre-dawn and once more when PIG mum leaves for work around 7:30. After she leaves, I spend ten minutes having a mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance I needed to get through today with, giving all the leasure, all the satisfaction to mi IG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied. Actually, I fell back asleep after only five minutes, but when nature called again around 8:30am I continued for another five.
-waking for at least two more pot:p trips, I heard tess arrive at 9:30. Soon after, dad left for church. Only, aunty Lucia rang looking for dearest dad! I gave her his mobile number.
-so I got up and used the pot for two more tinkles. Tess got me kitted, then I went over, brushed my teeth (thanks to tess who had already prepared everything for me), drank one mug of water holding the mug 'incorrectly' then went and did a stinky unspeakable, also leaning briefly against the side rail and finishing my mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel.
-afterwards, I went over to wash and dry era, before tess and I linked arms and walked out to the gobbling :p table together for breakfast.
-thanks to dearest dad who made some ham and eggs and thanks to tess who added half a slice of cheese in it for me. My mug of tea, white and two, was the second mug for today which I could hold 'incorrectly'.
-while I ate and blogged on her iPhone, tess lightly massaged ela for about thirty minutes, then made me one mug of milo, sweetened with one teaspoonful of sugar, which I am drinking now.
-tess has gone to cook me some fried rice for lunch. I have already rung aunty a, and she will come over for dinner tonight.
-fingers crossed I can bbl, else:
-aunty jo and aunty shul lai how jie are coming over at 1pm.
-carol Lockwood will come supervise my shower at 4pm.
-and aunty a will come over for dinner tonight.
-toms: just church, nothing special. Well, the special thing can be our fortnightly SHINE meeting! We are having a home gathering at somebody's place.
-righteous, fingers crossed I can bbl, else hope to see everyone at church toms!
Em. ^^

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