Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Thursday Post 156b

Good afternoon again and one final greeting for Thursday! Em's final, final plodding total for today now stands @ 3137. digi's final, final report for thursday: 3137 steps also equals 930m (perhaps i'll pass one 1km toms XD) or 47.5kcal. XD unfortunately, i'm still owed TEN MINUTES online after i come back from garbo tonight!!! >< anyways, final, final events for today?
-joey came and taught me pilates! punching and ball work for era and ela, kicking for erf and elf and bridging for my butt. XD
-one quick loo trip for me before i returned online.
-whoops, i've just realised: i totally forgot and therefore missed the bang on a beanie week! XD
-carol lockwood's taking me out to garbo tonight! :D (1) must buy wedding anniversary present for parents; (2) must buy father's day gift for dearest dad and (c) must remember to visit tony!
-toms: late morning UQ physio with kate. it'll be my last with her; must bid her, stan and tory goodbye and good luck~
-fingers crossed i can see naz for some lunch afterwards; actually, i hope he'll be working; wonder where he was last friday?
-aunty lucia's coming to supervise my shower around 4pm.
-and small group's @ ray's place, 7:30pm.
-righteo, hope everyone has a smashing end to their week toms!
em. ^^

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