Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Wednesday post 156

Good afternoon! Firstly, Em's been hard @ work plodding 1370 steps today (which digi proudly reports as also equalling 400m or 20.4kcal XD) and secondly, TWFT topic's 'three levels of attack (1)' but thirdly and most importantly, i'm still owed FIFTY-EIGHT MINUTES online tonight after carol leaved!!!! >< righteo, events for today?
~i used the pot :P once last night (after either parent thumping loudly upstairs awoke me) and once this morning, before spending ten minutes having a mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance I needed to get through today with, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied.
-waking to kiss dearest dad goodbye when he left for work @ 7:45am and use the pot :P once more, daddy bear and i snored happily, me waking twice more to use the pot :P before PIG mum came and poked me with "fifteen more minutes."
-lol, carol comes in ten minutes; i've spent the time playing bejeweled! XD
-breakfast was one slice of toast with strawberry jam; PIG mum had offered pear jam, but suffered momentary brain snap and gave me strawberry jam instead. and i drank chai latte, yum!
-torture session with vincent the bloody physio: sat first go, exercises for ela, bent for ela to touch ground @ least ten times, ela to open door and hold onto rail, I got one lolly and some banana! XD
-PIG mum tootled me home; aunty mecky came to mind me for three hours and aunty anne took lucky PIG mum out to shout her lunch and go shopping together.
-my lunch: tuna with toast, yum!
-then i watched the bible mini series after one loo trip, while aunty mecky did the rubbing for ela for twenty-five minutes, gave herself the next twenty-five minutes off and more or less watched television with me, then returned and did the rubbing for about ten more minutes.
-before aunty mecky left, she took me once more to the loo.
-lynda came with my new carer starting saturday! her name's sth like rhiannon and she's only twenty!
-carol should arrive to supervise my shower soon.
-fingers crossed i can bbl, else toms: writers group! i'm sharing bear bear's story!
-and carol's taking me out to garbo toms night! :D going anniversary present shopping for the parents~
-righteo, fingers crossed i can bbl, else hope everyone's having a smashing week!
em. ^^

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