Sunday, August 18, 2013

sunday post 133b

heylo again and good evening! em's new plodding total for sunday now stands @ 1822 (which digi proudly reports also equals 540m or 27.4kcal. XD) oh, and joni's devotional topic's 'no pleasure in punishment'. righteo, continuing today's events?
-at church, PIG mum took me once to the loo, then for some strange reason, demanded i sit in the far right side! huh, no biggie, i'd be staring straight ahead @ the speaker, anyway.
-aunty winnie led worship; i didn't recognise any of the songs.
-after breakfast, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the 4WD and dad tootled me off to church. of course, horrid PIG mum gleefully forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day, but i spent the short car trip to church finishing my mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel.
-at church, PIG mum took me once to the loo, then for some odd reason demanded i sit to the far right. i prefer to sit to the far left; when i'm the most left, i don't haveta worry about anything else being on the left which i therefore can't see, but i figured i'd be looking @ the speaker today, so no biggie.
-aunty winnie led worship, uncle calvin played piano. thankfully, i was allowed to stay seated for worship; anyhow, the songs were unfamiliar.
-speaker today was another reverend lam! not our pastor, but tim and grace's dad! his sermon was about that time when jesus walked on the water and peter tried going over to him.
-afterwards, i headed downstairs, went to the loo once, grabbed some morning tea (one choc chip cookie and one quarter-triangle of yummy egg sandwich) then sat down and practised the story i'd tell the little kiddies today!
-'twas dad who Forced me to walk into the room where the lil kiddies had their sunday school/service/fellowship.
-we ate first! our craft today was mashing coco pops and melted chocolate! delicious~ poor little chun yat wailed his head off after uncle tanny left, but tiff calmed him down pretty quick.
-lol, samara and chloe were writing their names on the whiteboard in bubble writing! when i asked, "can you please write my name too?" samara replied, "sure!" then, in the next breath, she was like, "um, what's your name again?" XD
-afterwards, i told my story. jesse was hilarious: after i'd introduced the first two fingers, he'd held up his middle finger and proudly announced, "that's the rude finger!" i laughed, flipped him the bird in return, then corrected him, "nope, that's that TALL finger." XD
-afterwards, samara gave me one wad of WATERMELON flavoured hubba bubba chewing gum! lol, back when fisobao and i chewed hubba bubba, there was only grape flavour!
-PIG mum came back from her coffee and gossip/informal fellowship with all the church aunties, took me once more to the loo then tootled me off to warrigal square for lunch with all the other SHINE people.
-eleven people shared lunch today. panda was amazing; when thomas was gonna get me some vermicelli, she was like, "but emily doesn't like thin noodles. she likes thick ones, right? here, i'll give her some ho fan instead." actually, i avoided the vermicelli coz little chow told me 'twas spicy!
-panda drove little chow and i back to church, and little chow walked behind me once to the loo, where i managed fine by myself.
-today, karen led worship and vincent played guitar. i only managed to read five consecutive canto words today.
-then, little chow led bible study. we're almost finished john.
-once fellowship ended, karen walked outside with me, and i sat down to await PIG mum's arrival.
-lol, vincent wandered over for a chat; he sounded like an old fart when he told me that i had to listen to PIG mum! XD "else she'll smack your bum," he threatened, to which i laughed, "vincent, my mother's tiny. i don't think she could physically wrestle me over and hold me down long enough to smack my butt." vincent considered this, then laughed. "you're right," he considered. then he told me his dad used to beat him with a stick until he bled! o_O
-PIG mum arrived, took me once more to the loo then tootled us home. i plopped online, she hit pigland.
-alas, she later came downstairs and demanded that i shower. >< obviously, i washed and rinsed my own hair today; she also gleefully forced poor ela to scrub various body parts forty-eight times.
-after drying and rekitting myself (PIG mum only helped with elf's AFO), PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to wallk out to the gobbling :P table, where she gleefully forced me on fifteen minutes on sitting posture exercises for her.
-before dinner, i took myself once slowly and safely to the loo and back, rising above the cruel and unfaithful god's near-overwhelming hatred and not letting him push me over.
-dinner tonight: the yummy rice, lotsa PIG mum's home-grown beans and bok choy and two/three wee chunks of beef.
-dinner was spooned down with one mug of vegetable soup, then PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk back online.
-anyways, fingers crossed i can brb after one final loo trip with my final, final plodding total for today, final, final events for sunday plus what's happening toms, else hope everyone has a smashing week ahead!
em. ^^

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