Wednesday, August 7, 2013

thursday post 154b

heylo again and one final greeting for thursday! firstly, em's final, final plodding total for thursday now stands @ 1465. digi's final, final report for thursday: 1465 steps also equals ... sorry, digi forgot to give a report for thursday post 154, but he'll try his best to have one toms, okies? however, i'm also noting down that i'm still owed TWENTY-FIVE MINUTES online after i get back home from garbo!!! *sigh* the list gets longer every bloody time i go out @ night ... >< anyways, final, final events for thursday?
-joey came and gave me a pilates session! hopefully i've improved; i managed to get up off the ground without needing to call for PIG mum today!
-woohoo! i'm gonna go search for showbags now, coz anna says she's going on saturday and can buy me one! :D
-carol lockwood's taking me to book club then garbo tonight! i've got UQ physio toms late morning; hopefully can see naz for some lunch, aunty lucia will come supervise my shower toms arvo and i'm off to pole's for small group @ night! righteo, hope everyone has a smashing end to their week toms~
em. ^^

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