Sunday, August 4, 2013

sunday post 131b

heylo again and good evening! firstly, em's new plodding total for monday now stands @ 1703 (which digi proudly reports as also equalling 500m or 25.5kcal XD) and secondly, joni's devotional topic's 'chosen for the furnace'. righteo, continuing today's events?
-after breakfast, PIG mum gleefully FORCES :( me to walk out to the 4WD and dad tootles us off to church. of course, she gleefully forces me to buckle my own seatbelt, but i also spend the short trip with both eyes closed, finishing my mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel.
-at church, PIG mum took me once to the loo, then left me waiting for aunty katherine on the low sofa and left for the canto service. while i waited, i yakked with izzy and jacinta.PIG mum had demanded that i revise the terms i'd learnt from aunty katherine last week for her; jacinta went through them with me.
-when aunty katherine arrived, she helped me up from the sofa (it's too low to get up from myself) and we went into the church library to watch the second half of laputa!
-i learnt lotsa new words today! we actually didn't quite finish coz before we resumed watching the movie, aunty katherine also quizzed me on all the words i'd learnt last week, but PIG mum came for me just during the climax of the movie, where lotsa explosions were happening! however, aunty katherine said the movie was basically over; wonder what we'll watch next week then, if she comes?
-afterwards, PIG mum took me once more to the loo, i grabbed some morning tea (two mini sausage rolls) and sat down. michael and ivy wandered over; michael asked me to teach him how to pronounce his wedding vows correctly!
-time for service, i hiked upstairs. dad went to attend bible study, while PIG mum rocked off for a drink and a gossip with the other church aunties.
-phew, i got to stay seated for worship again. :o) i sang everything, plus the harmony for two/three songs and the descant for another, but like always, meant absolutely nothing.
-speaker today was pastor chris, and his sermon topic was sth like 'the testimony of grace chan and michael lam' (or sth like that; i've prolly confused the surnames. XD)
-after service, the parents tootled me off to thomas and daphne's place for SHINE fellowship!
-after apologising to daph that i couldn't take off my shoes, i stamped them both @ the entrance then entered her house. thanks to bernard who got me a seat.
-more people arrived, like dr. dr. tai, panda, yuk yan, but the food didn't actually arrive until quite some time later! turns out laurence and his fiancee got the food from suncrop!
-i moved over to the table; thanks to dr. dr. tai/small chow (mid chow and big chow were @ their mandarin choir thing)/aunty jenny who heaped me one plate of yummy takeaway. there was yummy ho fan, egg noodle, sweet and sour pork and fried rice, amongst other things! also thanks to eric (heidi's husband) who poured me some orange juice.
-lol, i ate so slowly, i had to cram my last piece of food (the sweet and sour pork; remember how i always save the best for last? ^^) and quickly join everyone else, who were all seated to hear dr. dr. tai's sharing!
-and there was cake afterwards! thanks to aunty jenny who brought me over one slice; lol, i've got stupid tastebuds, coz i took a mouthful then squeaked, "eep, thomas, did you get a cake with peanuts?!" thomas quickly came over, peered @ my plate and laughed. "no, of course not," he laughed. "i know you've got a peanut allergy. that's red bean." XD
-thanks to laurence (well, gina drove) who dropped me off home afterwards. actually, thomas had taken karis upstairs for a nap earlier, and daph, who's working in the cardiac-thoracic ward for the patients who've just been operated on, says that her new baby's due sometime around the new year!
-laurence held ela and i walked out to the front yard with him; there, i leant against this sturdy blue fence while gina went and got the car. while i waited, i thanked laurence for the wedding invite (he'd handed them out after lunch) but asked him would he and gina be holding a reception? laurence laughed, said yup, definitely, only they were being printed in china right now and hadn't arrived yet!
-so gina tootled me home. i said my thanks and byes, let PIG mum gleefully FORCE :( me to walk into the house and plopped online.
-unfortunately, all too soon, PIG mum came and demanded i shower. obviously, i washed and rinsed my own hair today, but the most amazing thing was that PIG mum forgot to gleefully force poor ela to scrub various body parts goodness knows how many times! XD
-anyways, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the gobbling :P table, where i sat and happily read my book club novel while she went upstairs herself to shower.
-dinner tonight: the yummy rice, lotsa yummy wombok, some yummy fish, and from memory, sth else but i've forgotten what. XD
-dinner was spooned down with one bowl of the usual soup then i walked myself slowly and safely back online, rising above the cruel and unfaithful god's near-overwhelming hatred and not letting him push me over.
-just before, i had a happy yak to aunty nga; i'm considering whether or not to ring leanne now; it's almost 8:15pm.
-anyways, fingers crossed i can bbl with my final, final plodding total for sunday, final, final spam count for the weekend, final, final events for tonight plus what's happening toms, else hope everyone has a smashing week ahead!
em. ^^

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