Friday, May 3, 2019

Friday Post 273f

Good evening again and one final greeting for tonight! Firstly, Em's final, final plodding total for Friday now stands @ 2840 and secondly, the final, final spam count for the week's now thirty-nine. Righteo, final, final events for tonight?
  • After publishing the previous post, I went and found out the terms for this month's Furious Fiction and I'm stumped! Nothing good has come to mind and I've already started again thrice! XD Still, will persevere ..
  • Toms: since dad's attending uncle Him Wong's funeral toms but PIG mum's still gotta work, she's got Besta to come and mind me from 8am till 12pm. Since Kim's not doing the 4pm till 6pm shift anymore, usually I shower with Besta 2 12:30pm but since she's coming two hours earlier, I'll haveta shower @ like 10:30am! Strange … I haven't had to shower before midday since my days in the insane asylum .. this month (23rd) it'll have been ELEVEN years ago!
  • Wonder if I'll still get to read for a blessed three hours? That's only ever possible Saturdays .. oh, but since I also wanna bash out a decent entry for this month's furious fiction, maybe not. *sigh* Oh well … righteo, hope everyone has a smashing weekend ahead!


    Em. ^^

    P.S. Tee hee, tonight I've managed SIX posts; that's even rarer than five! XD

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