Saturday, May 4, 2019

Saturday Post 252c

Good evening! Firstly, Em's new plodding total for Saturday now stands @ 1209 (not bad for someone who's not left the house today, huh? XD) and secondly, Joni's devotional topic's 'Let The Earth Be Glad'. Anyways, continuing tonight's events?
  • After I'd published the previous post, I immediately continued writing my entry for Furious Fiction!
  • When PIG mum finally tumbled downstairs from pigland she ordered I start doing my HEP.
  • First came the six minute walk. 
  • Next came the fifty sit-to-stands.
  • Finally came the cup practice, which proceeded PIG mum gleefully forcing poor Ela to feed me pear from the plate first. I didn't really mind coz I was fully seated and could concentrate; besides, I'd finished before dearest dad arrived home from the Saturday church service, meaning he didn't get to see what a piece of sh*t I've become and  PIG mum doesn't get to show off to him all the power she has over me, ha. XD
  • Why I'm feeling super-excited: toms Ji Young's taking her daughters and me to watch the Avengers movie @ like 4:30pm! I've heard incredible things about this movie; if there's only one movie I see this year, apparently this one's it! When Ji gave me a session of rehab physio earlier this week I mentioned how you could get PIZZA delivered to your seats and Ji said maybe! :D
  • Depending what time the movie finishes and when we get home, I may not get to have dinner with dad out toms night, hmm …
  • But that's why PIG mum suggests I get my entry in for Furious Fiction tonight!
  • Anyways, hopefully after dinner, else hope to see everyone @ church toms!
    Em. ^^

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