Friday, April 26, 2013

saturday post 117

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 1404 steps today (keeping in mind that just over 700 of those steps were plodded last night; digi proudly reports that 1404 steps also equals 470m or 21.7kcal XD) and secondly; TWFT topic's learning 2b tactful'. righteo, let's start off with last night's events first!
~after one more loo trip, dad tootled me off to ray's for small group!
-lol, i still can't remember: are there eleven/twelve/thirteen/fourteen steps to ray's place? XD
-but yay, someone had left the white plastic armchair for me again. complete, blessed safety. :o)
-while people were still arriving, jeff was helping himself to some chocolate. reaching for the packet, i griped @ him, "next time, bring chocolate WITHOUT peanuts! i've got a peanut allergy!" XD jeff defended himself with, "april brought them!" to which she shot back, "they're my dad's!' XD
-last night, we just continued bible study. thanks to nat who helped me once to the loo around 8:40pm; i managed fine by myself.
-also thanks to ray who poured me half a glass of milk before pole tootled me home.
-and a final thanks to PIG mum who waited up for me. :o) repeat the usual nightly routine, zzz.
-today: lol, i'm sure i could've had an awesome night's sleep had it not been for PIG mum THUMPING around the house during the wee hours of the morning! XD
-tess arrived like ten minutes early today, but set to cleaning the house and i didn't get outta bed till 10:45am.
-after tess got me kitted for the day, we walked over to the bathroom where i brushed my teeth. also thanks to tess who'd prepared everything for me.
-i drank one tall mug of water holding the mug 'incorrectly', then went over to the loo for four tinkles, also leaning briefly against the side rail and having a mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel, asking him to please help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance I needed to get through the day okay, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied.
-afterwards, i went over to wash and dry era, before tess and i walked out together to the gobbling :P table for breakfast.
-thanks to dad who made ham (thinly cut spam!) and eggs and thanks to tess who cooked the bread yummy and added one slice of cheese for me. i also enjoyed one mug of tea, white and two, holding the mug 'incorrectly'. hey, PIG mum now restricts me to white tea only once a week, but hey, i'll manage.
-afterwards, i read the news on tessa's iphone while she very gently massaged ela for about thirty minutes.
-tess took me once more to the loo for three tinkles @ midday. lol, pins and needles meant i nearly fell over when i stood up! o_O
-back @ the gobbling :P table i drank one warm mug of milo holding the mug 'incorrectly'.
-then i rang aunty nga. little mickey pig answered and said sth about the fact that they're gonna own goldfish!
-tess took me to the loo once more after the phone call, and one last time before she left.
-lunch was around half a bowl of tessa's yummy fried rice, one bowl of soup and one cup of grapes!
-then i plopped online to await PIG mum's arrival.
-when she did get back, i took myself once slowly and safely to the loo and back, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-cool, i've got about thirty minutes for myself now! will check out that christian dating website that tess told me about.
-some new carer's coming to supervise my shower @ 4pm! hope she's nice~
-toms: just church, nothing special. fingers crossed i can have lunch @ plaza afterwards and get some visitors who'll take me out for drinks @ sakuraya in the arvo!
em. ^^

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