Sunday, April 14, 2013

sunday post 115c

good evening and one definite greeting for tonight! (it's not quite 6pm yet, but it's pitch-black out there, so it's evening. XD) em's final, final plodding total for sunday now stands @ 3788, with digi proudly reporting that 3788 steps also equals 1.28km or 58.9kcal. XD righteo, just super-quickly, coz the entire kwok family will probably arrive in like ten minutes, events for today?
-yay, great sleep last night! nature didn't call until 6:50am~
-breakfast was my new box of coco pops!
-bible study today: william talked about the holy spirit.
-service today: i stayed seated for worship, sang everything plus the harmony for three songs, meant absolutely nothing.
-speaker today was pastor chris. his sermon was about the fifth commandment, don't steal.
-PIG mum and i had lunch @ plaza, where we shared a bowl of vegetables and meat from lil's plus one bowl of boiled dumplings in wonton peel. oh, we also shared a pudding milk tea.
-back home, i tootled online till kwany and leanne came and took me out for drinks @ sakuraya.
-i got my usual: okinawa chocolate milk tea with pearl, normal sugar but without ice. the sales lady tried persuading me to have @ least half ice, but i was like, "nup." XD
-back home, i introduced leanne and kwany to cuddles and katrina. then leanne gave me a belated birthday present from her and peggy! it's this really cool blue bag and hello panda, one strawberry and one white flavoured!
-for some reason, they left while i was still in the loo instead of waiting for me, but no biggie, i walked myself slowly and safely back to the computer table, rising above god's hatred and not letting him push me over.
-only PIG mum demanded i shower, poor ela. ><
-toms: late morning physio @ UQ. fingers crossed i can have lunch @ sunnybank oriental/dong fong afterwards, and can take back half for afternoon tea with carol, who's coming to supervise my shower.
-righteo, hope everyone has a smashing week! only note, i'm still owed more than ONE HOUR online!!!  aiya, the list keeps getting longer ...><
em. ^^
P.S. joni's devotional topic's 'big and small miracles'.

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