Wednesday, April 24, 2013

wednesday post 139c

good evening again! em's new plodding total for wednesday now stands @ ... lol, idiot digi won't open for me! XD so, just continuing with tonight's events, then~
-when PIG mum came downstairs, she immediately and gleefully forced me offline.
-thus followed a painful fifteen minute standing calf stretch, and culminated with PIG mum gleefully FORCING :( me to plod twenty-five minutes on the bloody treadmill for her. luckily, though, it's getting much cooler now, meaning i didn't require a full set change of clothes afterwards.
-dinner afterwards: alas, the yucky rice has returned. :o( that was with lotsa yummy beans, lotsa dearest dad's home-grown hairy melon and some salmon that he'd bought near mcwhirter today! PIG mum squeezed some lime juice onto the fish for me; 'twas nice (if sour. XD)! oh, and before dinner, PIG mum randomly forced me to play random games on my ipad for her, restricting me to only using my pointer. hence why i'm only using my middle finger to type now, but come toms, i'll go back to using both fingers.
-sadly, horrid PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk over to the kitchen bench top to grab my mug of yummy lemon green tea; for that, i VERY DELIBERATELY held the mug 'incorrectly'. oh, and i sucked the teabag once. XD
-PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk back to the computer table. dunno what she's doing now, but dearest dad's ringing random church uncles and organising some soccer toms!
-as for me, fingers crossed i can bbl shortly after 9:15pm after one final loo trip with my final, final plodding total for wednesday plus what's happening toms!
em. ^^

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