Tuesday, April 9, 2013

wednesday post 137

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 1325 steps today (digi proudly reports that 1325 steps also equals 440m or 19.8kcal XD) and secondly, TWFT topic's 'de-stressing' but thirdly and most importantly, i'm still owed THIRTY-TWO MINUTES online after carol leaves tonight!!! righteo, events for today?
~woohoo, awesome sleep last night! nature didn't call until 6:20am, and after a pot :P trip i spent the ten minutes until 6:30am having a mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel, asking him to please help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance I needed to get through the day okay, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied. after that, daddy bear and i cuddled and snored, me waking once more to kiss dearest dad goodbye and use the pot :P once more when he left for work around 8am.
-after PIG mum poked me with "fifteen more minutes," i used the pot :P once more for three tinkles and she got me kitted. then she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the kitchen to brush my teeth (poor ela) before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk over to the gobbling :P table for breakfast.
-breakfast was one slice of yummy toast with the merest dab of strawberry jam ever (sans butter), one warm mug of milo, one full mug of water and all my usual drugs. :P i also continued my mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me get through today okay.
-after breakfast, i went and did a stinky unspeakable. of course, horrid PIG mum gleefully forced me to dak myself, but i also leaned briefly against the side rail and finished my mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel.
-when that was done, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to the laundry to wash and dry both hands before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk to the 4WD.
-off she tootled me off to see vincent the bloody physio for a torture session. of course, she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day; we also listened to jay chou all day, too. while she drove, era helped ela stretch for ten minutes.
-physio today: sat first go and did exercises for ela. ela also did exercises whilst i had standing practice. lol, vincent promised he wouldn't lemme fall today, meaning he had to catch me several times.
-PIG mum took me once to the loo before driving me back to the runcorn plaza hot bread, where she kindly bought me a yummy pork salad roll for lunch. they've had a name change! anyways, the owner lady and i happily waved hello to each other. :o)
-back home, aunty mecky soon arrived and PIG mum left to go meet lynette @ plaza!
-firstly, aunty mecky fed me two mandarins, then i enjoyed my yummy pork salad roll for lunch, my first for the year. :o) i also drank one mug of cold milo holding the mug 'incorrectly'.
-after lunch, aunty mecky took me once to the loo for two tinkles, and back @ the gobbling :P table i continued reading 'a man named dave'.
-at 1pm, aunty mecky did the rubbing for ela for barely twenty minutes. then she took the next forty off while i continued reading. oh, she also smeared aloe vera all over my face, meaning i don't haveta use face wash with carol this arvo.
-at 2pm, aunty mecky did a lil more rubbing for ela. i remember asking PIG mum, "aunty wendy did the rubbing for ela for SICTY minutes, whereas aunty mecky does it to ela for barely thirty. does that mean she's lazy?" only PIG mum replied, "no, you're not allowed to call aunty mecky lazy. you can only say aunty wendy's more hard-working than her." oh, fair enough, then.
-when PIG mum returned home, i went once more to the loo then plopped online.
-aunty anne's over, having a yak with PIG mum. they're talking about health supplements right now.
-anyways, carol should arrive to supervise my shower soon. fingers crossed i can bbl, else toms:
-writers group! i've done my homework!
-fingers crossed i can get that crepe and shake deal for lunch afterwards. maybe we'll bump into uncle eddy again!
-carol's coming again to supervise my shower toms arvo, but she's coming from 3:45 till 5:45, coz i'm attending book club toms night! :D righteo, hope everyone's having a smashing week!
em. ^^

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