Friday, July 9, 2010

friday post 11b

good evening! em's final plodding total for thursday now stands @ 4288. righteo, events after my last post?
-trace arrived several minutes late and Forced me to walk into the bathroom for my nice hot shower - i washed my hair today.
-but when i was drying myself, the doorbell rang - 'twas mrs. dent with my awesome trenchcoat! 'hello, mrs. dent!" i called through the closed door.
"hello, love! i've altered your trenchcoat for you; just bringing it back. you can wear it to church on sunday."
"awesome, thanks mrs. dent! sorry i can't come outside and say hello - i'm having a shower."
she laughs, and after promising to pass on my love to mr. dent and nana, leaves.
-trace comes back inside, watches me dry and cream myself, gets me rekitted. "your bruise has gone green." she remarks.
-trace Forces me to walk back out to the gobbling :P table. afternoon tea is two cups of yummy rice green tea sweetened with one teaspoonful of honey, one pear, and ... sth else, i think, but i've forgotten what! >< gomen, gomen.
-trace takes me once more to the toilet before leaving me with the phone, one mug of water - another i can drink 'incorrectly' and the television on channel seven.
-i almost forgot! after my shower, when i'd just sat down, PIG mum comes with the phone and lets me talk to dearest grandma! we say the lord's prayer together. :) i pray so hard for her every night, pleading for a miracle, coz PIG mum reckons she won't see out this year. ><
-trace also gives ela a short massage, painting her black again. think she only knows the one colour. :P
-i do one sudoku while watching the news, read out by kay mcgrath, sport by pat welsh and weather by john schluter. the nicest surname i found was 'hope.' :)
-PIG mum comes back from her walk, gleefully forces poor em to plod thirty minutes on that bloody treadmill. >< actually, i take a break after ten minutes, coz nature called - badly!
-dinner was sth aunty anne recommended us - sth called 'yam multigrain cereal? it's like porridge, gluggy. lol, 'gluggy' isn't in blogger's dictionary! :P
-after dinner, i continued reading the third twilight novel - and i finished it! so hopefully someone can take me out to see the movie next next thursday (there's toastmasters on tuesday, so i can't watch the movie on thursday)
-PIG mum took me once more to the bathroom after she finished plodding on the treadmill. poo poo @ dad, who says i'm not allowed to reach backwards and flush the toilet like that! >< argh, my life's already difficult enough, must you make it even harder for me?! ><
-well, PIG mum's forcing me off to bed @ 9pm tonight. tessa's coming over @ 10am, fingers crossed she won't force me to play scrabble with her! i can only pray that vincent the bloody physio won't show up toms, but like i've said before, i know better than to think that god even bothers to listen to my prayers. but if he does turn up, i'm getting PIG mum to yell @ him for leaving green/purple bruising over poor elf's knee! i can only pray that i won't fall too many times. :S then, karen's coming in the arvo. :) one last thing: the spam count for the week's seventy-eight. hope everyone has a smashing weekend!
em. ^^

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