Wednesday, July 21, 2010

wednesday post1a

good evening! em's final plodding total for wednesday's now 2520. righteo, final events for today?
-in sparkless, dad and i wheeled me down to the chai wan shopping centre, PIG mum, aunty lai and aunty lai lin following.
-dinner was @ some chinese restaurant called tai hing.
-i drank one small bowl of soup, and ate: just over one bowl of rice, three small but yummy chunks of sweet and sour pork, some fried fish, lotsa broccoli and lotsa little tong vegetable. lol, i dr5ank a cold milk tea(PIG mum had one slurp); the cool thing? it comes out hot, in a bowl of ice, which slowly cools the drink!
-PIG mum took me once to the loo after dinner.
-ice-cream night means an oreo mcflurry from maccas! :D dad got himself one too; when PIG mum saw, she said, "ugh, not for me, thanks." so i presumed she didn't want any of mine, either.
-dad and i wheeled me back up to the bus stop, where we waited for aunty lai lin's bus to take her back up to north point, where she lives. aunty lai lin's actually a registered nurse just like PIG mum, she works two or three days per week @ some health clinic.
-after aunty lai lin left, dad and i wheeled me back up to aunty lai's flat.
-PIG mum took me once to the loo when we got home, made me wash and dry both hands, then made me walk back to sunny's laptop. she's forcing me off to bed @ 10:30, meaning i've got just under fifteen minutes to get my facebook fix. :P
-oh noes! aunty nga just rang - poor little mickey has a high fever! ><
-toms: absolutely nothing. hong kong has a typhoon warning! when i asked PIG mum what'll we do, she said, "easy. you get some rope and tie yourself to me. then i'll tie myself to dad.' and what about dad? "oh, dad can tie himself to a large rock." lol, i've zero idea where dad might find this large rock from, but if you never hear from me again, you can presume i got blown away by the typhoon. anyways, hope everyone's having a smashing week!
em. ^^

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