Monday, July 12, 2010

tuesday post

good morning! today IS tuesday, right? sorry, i've lost track of time totally ... ^^"
-anyways, i don't often have the chance to come online in the mornings; i can today coz the parents have gone to talk to the pastor about dearest grandmother's funeral arrangements.
-but so far, i've been hard @ work plodding 724 steps today. hopefully, i'll have passed 1000 by day's end, and i can come back online to log that down.
-this morning, PIG mum took me to the loo once. dad was already gone ... @ 6:50am!
-but i didn't sleep till 4pm again. :P nope, by 9am, i decided that i'd enough sleep and got up, just as dearest dad returned home - turns out he'd gone to breakfast yum cha all by his lonesome self!
-PIG mum got me kitted, made me walk out to the sink to brush my teeth, then made me walk to the toilet, also gleefully forcing me to dak myself.
-after two tinkles, PIG mum made me walk over to wash and dry both hands, before making me walk over to the table.
-breakfast was one mug of milk - which i got to hold 'incorrectly' coz PIG mum was too busy discussing travel plans with dearest dad - and some fried rice noodle (say 'cheung fun' in canto). too bad, no sweet sauce, but hey.
-PIG mum made me walk over to the computer table, and i tootled online. the parents went to talk to some pastor about grandma's funeral arrangements.
-when they come back ... think dad's off to visit his side of the family. hopefully PIG mum'll take me out to tai koo shing to buy my bottle of horlicks! righteo, will try my hardest to come back later today!
em. ^^

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