Friday, July 2, 2010

saturday post13b

-firstly, yay for em! who managed to swing herself over to use the pot :p once last night without falling to her death! o_O :P
-i used the pot :P again sometime in the morning. seeing the sun brighten outside, i freed poor ela from her prison, gave the splint to bear bear and emperor and told them to do what they wanted with it (i think emperor ate it :P). then i tucked poor ela's thumb inside for some sleep and snored my head off with the two teddies. :P :)
-dunno why PIG mum didn't even bother to come and say goodbye this morning! >< :(
-so i slept till tess arrived, promptly @ 10am.
-dad gave me ten more minutes, then tess dug me up. she got me kitted, before leading me to the bathroom to brush my teeth. era took all four rinses for twenty-three gargles; ever since i was ten years old, i made the first and last gargles my age; now that PIG mum's decided to gleefully force poor ela to do the gargling all herself, i thought i'd make it up to era and give her longer gargles.
-after brushing my teeth, tess led me to the toilet, where i stayed for three or four tinkles. then, tess led me to the basin to wash and dry era, before leading me out to the gobbling :p table.
-just a toasted cheese sandwhich for breakfast today, with one cup of tea, sweetened with two teaspoonfuls of sugar, my first cup i could hold 'incorrectly'.
-tess brought me her laptop to play with! so i played purble place (memory), spider solitaire, and wrote another paragraph in microsoft word for tess to read later.
-tess lead me once more to the loo. thanks to her who passed me one mug of water - my second i could hold 'incorrectly' - and i did a stinky unspeakable.
-tess came back, led me over to wash and dry era, before leading me back to my seat.
-tess made me one cup of warm milo, sweetened with one teaspoonful of honey. it was my third cup i could hold 'incorrectly'.
-beep, vincent the bloody physio came.>< my torture session with him today was walking uphill on the grass (so thankfully, safer:) then back down. i fell eight times, luckily, though, just bum falls. and i'm now JUSTIFIED when i say that poor erf simply daren't take one big step over elf when i walk, coz i'll lose my balance and fall - coz that's what happened! ><
-thankfully, vincent the physio buggered off and i had lunch. rice, with lotsa greens and diced vegies, plus three wee chunks of yummy charsiu. thanks to PIG mum who poured me one yummy cup of rice green tea, which i was very careful not to hold 'incorrectly'.
-then, PIG mum made me walk to the computer desk, gleefully forcing me to sit on the piano stool. meaning the neck's pretty sore right now, but karen'll arrive in just under fifteen minutes, so i'll survive.
-aunty a and the slams are coming over for dinner tonight! hopefully, uncle slam will take it easy on me tonight, but hey, i'm just bracing myself for what's coming. i'll be fine, i'm pretty sure.
-anyways, church toms. everyone's gone @ BGR camp! so no visitors from SHINE fellowship toms. :( oh well. but here's fingers crossed for three things; one: that we won't haveta stand up for any worship songs toms (even though i'll sing everything if everything goes smoothly toms); two: that mum/dad'll park underground and not @ the commonwealth bank end just to force me to walk all the way up; and three: that i can eat some KFC for lunch toms! or if not, @ least not having to eat @ cafe mi again.
-*sigh* dad's limited me to only having fruit for arvo tea this arvo ... argh, meaning i'll be pestering him about dinner come 6pm. anyways, hopefully i'll bbl tonight!
em. ^^

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