Thursday, July 8, 2010

thursday post 13c

good evening! my final plodding total for thursday now stands @ 5235. anyways, events since my last post?
-trace came several minutes late; Forced me to walk into the bathroom for a nice hot shower - i washed my hair today.
-i had one tinkle before i flipped the nice hot water off, dried myself, had another tinkle, got creamed. trace rekitted me, and i had one last tinkle when she was tying erf's shoelaces.
-trace Forced me to walk to the gobbling :P table. i read several pages of eclipse until she came back to make me arvo tea. one crunchy pear plus one yummy pancake with the last of the maple syrup aunty anne's family had brought me back from canada. i also drank one watery mug of milo 'incorrectly'.
-trace gave ela a short massage and took ome to the loo once before going to her sleepover shift. i think she'll be back toms.
-PIG mum tootled us off to the logan north library. zero thanks to her who gleefully forced me to walk up the steps, coz 'you're gonna have a big dinner'.
-but 'twas great to see all the ladies!
-we yakked about the book for awhile, until esther arrived. so the food was spread out, and the party began!
-i ate several sausage roll type things, several fish cake stuff things, several corn chips with avocado (i told jean the funny story about a patient who thought wasabi was avocado, also the story about how god smited/smote me down) and two mini cake roll things. thanks to esther who poured me one cup of tea, white and two, my second to hold 'incorrectly', and carol who poured me two plastic cups of cordial.
-esther's son is 2.5 years old, was his name kennedy? and she's separated from her husband. she's doing this course @ TAFE ATM, which is the equivalent of year twelve and enables you to get an OP, and she wants to do some design course @ uni in the future. she also showed us her keyring, which has an adorable picture of her with her son. :)
-PIG mum collected me, made me walk to the tinkle, made me walk over to wash and dry era, then was a horrible nasty woman again who made me walk back down the stairs to the 4WD.
-PIG mum tootled us home. she made me walk back inside to the computer desk. i'm again seated on the piano stool. my back's starting to protest, but i'll just keep reminding myself that i suffer for her pleasure. it's tough, but i'll endure.
-righteo, off for e-mail and naruto now! hope everyone has a smashing end to their week toms!
em. ^^

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