Tuesday, July 6, 2010

wednesday post16

good afternoon! i came online @ 3:06pm, and lyn's coming @ 3:45pm, meaning that i'm still owed ONE HOUR and TWENTY-ONE MINUTES online tonight! but coz i'm hopefully going to kwany's place to watch the state of origin tonight, i know PIG mum won't lemme come back online tonight, so i'll just add that time to the spreadsheet of net time i'm owed, and i SWEAR, i'll try my HARDEST to get back EVERY SINGLE MINUTE I'M OWED!!
-anyways, em's been hard @ work plodding 2051 steps today.
-this morning, when dearest dad got up for work, i swung myself around to use the pot :P once. back in bed, i released poor ela from her prison, tucked her thumb gently back inside for some sleep, then cuddled emperor (bear bear must've wriggled himself off the bed again, the messy sleeper - i couldn't find him! :P) and snored my head off with him.
-only i woke with a searing throat. >< i pleaded with PIG mum to gimme a break and lemme sleep in till aunty wendy arrived, but the cruel woman still gleefully forced me up, got me kitted, and made me walk to the bathroom to wash my face and hands, and spit out my mouth splint.
-PIG mum then made me walk to the gobbling :P table. i ignored the required glass of water. breakfast was roughly fifteen of those weet-bix bite things.
-PIG mum popped me my pills after breakfast - one fish oil, one garlic, one bilberry and one cranberry. i was very careful to hold the mug of water 'correctly', of course.
-PIG mum made me walk out to the car. today, she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt all day, and we also listened to westlife's newest disc all day. happy erf also got to sit sideways all day, too, though i was very careful to point her back facing forwards whenever we approached a red light.
-torture session @ vincent the bloody physios. >< i only fell twice today, luckily, only bum falls. also, he taught me some neck exercises to deal with the neck pain i've been experiencing from PIG mum gleefully forcing me to sit on some armrest-less and backrest-less piano stool.
-PIG mum tootled us home. when aunty wendy arrived, she led me once to the toilet first.
-and thanks to aunty wendy who brought us some snack she'd cooked herself! some small alice of pumpkin quiche thing, maybe?
-i sat and read eclipse out aloud until 12:30, when aunty wendy started making my lunch. yummy add water and shake pancakes. so era shook the bottle enthusiastically, and when ela whimpered that she wanted a turn too, thanks to aunty wendy who helped thread her fingers into the handle, then ela happily shook the bottle around. :)
-i buttered one slice, then aunty wendy kindly tipped lotsa maple syrup over the pancake for me. i was ready to butter the other slice, but aunty wendy said not to. instead, she just flipped the pancake on top of the other one already buttered. then she cut the pancake into sixteen slices for me.
-i told aunty wendy to make herself one pancake, too, and she did, only she took hers uncondimented. luckily, we bought golden syrup flavoured pancakes, so 'twas yummy. :)
-aunty wendy brought bear bear and emperor out to visit me! :) meaning they kept me company while i kept reading. :)
-aunty wendy gave ela a massage for one hour today. :)
-she also ordered me to drink another mug of water before she lead me to the loo. i ended up doing a stinky unspeakable.
-aunty wendy led me back to the computer desk. ZERO thanks to horrid PIG mum who immediately forced me to sit on thar backrest-less and arm rest-less piano stool.
-but i think lyn's just arrived; i'd better yell that to PIG mum again.
-anyways, fingers, toes and all other appendages crossed that dad'll take me to kwany's to watch the third state of origin tonight! UQ physio toms. i'll try my hardest to persuade PIG mum to please take me to naz's for a kebab, especially if she got to have lunch out with aunty anne today! best of all, book club toms night!
-lastly, again, ZERO thanks to HORRIBLE PIG mum who just made me walk to the door to let lyn inside! ><
-anyways, hope everyone has a smashing week!
em. ^^!

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