Friday, December 17, 2021

Friday Post 395c

 Good evening! Firstly, Em's new plodding total for Thursday now stands @ 3499 (meaning I'm beyond positive I'll have cracked 3.5 grand before the night's out XD); secondly, 'Two Trees In The Garden' and thirdly, Our Daily Bread's devotional topic's 'Beautifully Broken'. Anyways, continuing tonight's events?

  • For arvo tea, after I cut the thing into squares, PIG mum lemme have three little slices and they tasted delicious! :D
  • I also happily read for about one hour, reaching page seventy-five @ 5:16pm.
  • After using the loo for one tinkle, I returned online and watched the 6pm bulletin (Nine's) for the 133RD time.
  • When I was summoned over for dinner @ 7:55pm, I used the loo for one tinkle and walked myself slowly and safely to the gobbling :P table,  rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.    
  • Dinner tonight: rice, lotsa yummy cauliflower, lotsa lobok, lotsa carrot and one small mouthful of that really soya-sauce-drenched mince.
  • Dinner was spooned down with one bowl of soup; after taking the bowl over to the gobbling :P table I walked myself slowly and safely back online, again rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.    
  • Anyways, hopefully brb after one more loo trip with my final, final plodding total for tonight, the final, final spam count for the week, the final, final events for Friday plus what's happening Saturday, else wishing everyone a smashing weekend ahead!
    Em. ^^

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