Thursday, December 16, 2021

Thursday Post 395c

 Good evening! Firstly, Em's new plodding total for Thursday now stands @ 2768; secondly, Joni's devotional topic's 'Post-Blizzard Promise' and thirdly, Our Daily Bread's devotional topic's 'I Am His Hands'. Anyways, continuing tonight's events?

  • After watching the news, I continued sending my XMas Greetings to people!
  • When dad summoned me over for dinner @ 7:55pm, I used the loo for one tinkle and walked myself slowly and safely to the gobbling :P table,  rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.    
  • Score, the parents lemme use the spoon Karina got for me this morning/arvo for dinner; December has been satisfied SIXTEEN times!! :D :D
  • Dinner tonight: rice, lotsa Uncle Pong's hairy melon and only one tiny chunk of beef mince. 'Twas surprisingly tasty; methinks either parent must've been too heavy-handed with the soya sauce ... XD
  • Dinner was spooned down with one bowl of soup; dessert was half a steamed beef bun Aunty Ann had given PIG mum two days ago; after taking my bowl over to the sink I walked myself slowly and safely back online, again  rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.    
  • Anyways, hopefully bbl after one final loo trip @ 9pm with my final, final plodding total for today, the final, final events for tonight plus what's happening Friday, else wishing everyone a smashing end to the week toms!
    Em. ^^

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