Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sunday Post 265b

Heylo again and potentially one final greeting for tonight! Em's potential final, final plodding total for Sunday now stands @ 2471. Oh, I'm certain I'll have passed 2.5 grand before the night's out1 XD Righteo, potential final, final events for Sunday?
  • When PIG mum tumbled downstairs from pigland, I was hard @ work doing the typing tests, having already reached the PISSY two hour net time total PIG mum so gleefully restricts me to.
  • Letting me remain seated, first I had to let her gleefully force poor Ela on thirteen minutes of the exercises Alyssa had left me.
  • Next, I had to let her gleefully FORCE :( me to walk outside and let her gleefully force mostly poor Ela take down the day's washing; argh, I HATES standing practice! ><
  • Back inside, for arvo tea I had to let PIG mum gleefully force Ela to feed me one yummy pear. I didn't really mind, coz I was seated and could fully concentrate. For the record, it's not like I'm unaware of how Ela's supposed to move but unfortunately, the message doesn't reach her from my idiot brain1 >< *sigh*
  • Arvo tea was washed down with one mug of green tea after which I walked myself slowly and sagely to the bathroom, always  rising above his near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over. 
  • so a nice warm shower for me - I washed and rinsed my own hair today. I also softly, slowly but most hatefully sang 20% of my shorter second-favourite song out aloud, opening both eyes for all the important numbers.
  • I had one tinkle before Iflipped the nice warm water off, mostly dried myself (PIG mum only ever helps dry my back; she doesn't even help me dry Era) and mostly rekitted myself (PIG mum only helped with my bra strap, Elf's AFO straps and both laces). Then I lifted the toilet lid (something Kim kindly helps me with), sat for one tinkle, dried inside both ears, washed and dried Era then walked myself slowly and safely online,  rising above his near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over. 
  • I've scored a HUGE break! poor Alyssa's daughter has somehow injured herself and needs an operation toms, so no hydro for me! Personally I'm overjoyed but also wishing Claire's daughter a speedy recovery1 So perhaps expect a pissy plodding total from me? Dunno will PIG mum ring CODA toms and change Tina's shift back to 4-6pm; if she won't, hopefully she'll let us go grocery shopping and I can walk each aisle to pass 1000 steps. Oh, fingers crossed we can grab a drink @ Sakuraya! righteo, hopefully bbl tonight, else hoping everuyone a smashing week ahead!

  • Em. ^^

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