Sunday, February 6, 2022

Sunday Post 302b

 Heylo again and potentially one final greeting for today! Em's potential final, final plodding total for Sunday now stands @ 3117. Righteo, potential final, final events for today?

  • After publishing the previous post, I still had like thirty minutes left and decided I'd watch The Silver Brumby, episode four. Oh, it's so good! 
  • The minute I'd reached my PISSY two hour time limit, I got offline and headed for the gobbling :P table, calling upstairs to PIG mum could she please feed me some arvo tea?
  • She could, and the pear was deliciously juicy but I'm unsure why she need to gleefully force poor Ela to feed me the pear? See, I'm NATURALLY right-handed; even were Ela able to feed me with ease she WOULDN'T coz my dominant hand's the right one! Personally I just reckon PIG mum has this strange NEED to gimme directions like I'm that imbecilic I'm actually unaware how I'm supposed to approach this task. Hardly so; in reality, poor Ela just doesn't receive the message from my brain. But pear eaten well before dearest dad got home and PIG mum denied the chance to show off to him how much power she has over me.
  • The rest of afternoon tea was two delicious green tea Pocky sticks and one mugful of yummy vanilla chai with milk. PIG mum hit the sack upstairs and I happily read the 3rd Herriot book. When I finished the book @ 4:33pm, I called upstairs and asked PIG mum could she please bring the fourth book for me, but not getting any response presumed she was deeply snoring, instead grabbed my mobile and played Candy Crush type games. XD
  • PIG mum managed to tumble downstairs about thirty minutes later and order me off to shower.
  • So a nice warm shower for me today - I washed and rinsed my own hair. I also softly, slowly but most hatefully sang 20% of my shorter second-favourite song out aloud, opening both eyes for all the important numbers. Actually, I was all done after only 9%, but happily leaned fully against the right side rail and watered myself for another tinkle before calling PIG mum back.
  • After she dried my back and the back of the chair for me, I did everything else and she didn't feature again until my bra - bbl!
    Em. ^^

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