Sunday, July 7, 2013

sunday post 127

good afternoon! firstly, em's been hard @ work plodding 1544 steps today (which digi proudly reports as also equalling 520m or 23.5kcal XD); secondly, TWFT topic's 'the blame game (1)' and thirdly, the spam count for the weekend's just one. righteo, events for today?
-i used the pot :P once last night and once again this morning around 6:25am. then i spent the ten minutes till 6:35am having a mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him to please help me with the patience, perseverance, strength and endurance i needed to get through the day, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided that only she could be happy and/or satisfied.
-more happy sleepings with daddy bear followed, until dearest dad came and kissed me goodbye before leaving for the canto service. i also used the pot :P once more.
~happiness was falling back asleep and even waking to use the pot :P once more before PIG mum came and poked me with "fifteen more minutes."
-when she came back, i used the pot :P once more for three tinkles and PIG mum got me kitted. then she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the table to brush teeth (poor ela), before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the gobbling :P table for breakfast.
-then for some unknown reason, PIG mum chucked an absolute cow @ me and flounced upstairs, leaving me to get my own breakfast! luckily, i managed to do all that without letting the cruel and unfaithful god push me over. and how come manuka honey isn't runny like regular honey? anyways, i also had all my usual drugs :P with some water holding the mug 'incorrectly' and continued my mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me get through today okay.
-before leaving, PIG mum demanded i go do a stinky unspeakable for her. obedient me complied. XD i also leaned briefly against the side rail and kept continuing my mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel.
-afterwards, PIG mum gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the 4WD, where she tootled us both to church. of course, she gleefully forced poor em to buckle her own seatbelt, but i asked to listen to westlife's 'greatest hits' album first coz i wouldn't be sitting inside that 4WD again today.
-anyways, while PIG mum tootled us both to church, i closed my eyes and finished my mostly silent chat to percy the saint/angel. at church, PIG mum took me once more to the loo, before leaving me in the english service and going downstairs to attend the mandarin one herself.
-joni's devotional topic's 'humility that matters', BTW.
-phew, i got to stay seated for worship today. :o) as usual, i sang everything, plus the harmony for three songs, but meant absolutely nothing.
-speaker today wasn't pastor chris, but pastor grace! she spoke from romans 1/3:1-26, roughly.
-after service, PIG mum took me once to the loo then i waited inside the 4WD while she arranged who would drive me to janet's place in runcorn.
-'twas thomas~ thanks to PIG mum who helped buckle my seatbelt before thomas tootled us off to janet's house.
-when we arrived, thomas held era and i walked over some lawn to make it to janet's house.
-i sat down @ the table besides little chow, as more people and more food arrived. there was about sixteen people here today.
-someone prayed for us (little chow? dr. dr. tai? a female, anyway) and everybody tucked in! thanks to dr. dr. tai who served me one big chunk of yummy max chicken, some noodles with lotsa vegetables that daphne cooked. i also drank one plastic cup of cold green tea, although i forgot to ask who wrote 'em' on the cup for me. XD
-afterwards, gina and laurence walked with me over to where everyone else had gathered for fellowship.
-first, heidi led worship. my record today was reading eight consecutive canto words. XD
-next, laurence shared about his europe trip two years ago, complete with powerpoint pictures!
-finally, we went around praying. for daph, who's returning to work this week (her morning sickness has finally settled), for vincent, who finally achieved his permanent residency and for someone else.
-then we all went over to trial making the little eg things/chinese waffles! vincent actually has this pan specifically for making them! several people took turns trying to make some; even i did! karen helped me turn the pan over and around; luckily, they cook in like two minutes, meaning i didn't haveta stand for very long, phew. daph took a photo of my creation (okay, vincent prepared all the ingredients, but i poured the batter myself XD) and says she'll e-mail me a copy~
-also, 'twas panda's birthday! someone bought a cake for her, we all sang her the happy birthday song then everyone had a slice! i asked panda, "um, how come you have such an interesting name? coz you don't have panda eyes, nor are you fat and furry like a panda ..." she laughed. "oh, officially i just use my chinese name." 98i think it's sth like yuk yan') "but when i was learning the alphabet like a is for apple, b is for ball and all that, i could never remember p is for panda, so my mum called me panda." XD
-'twas like 4pm when everyone decided to leave! thomas asked laurence to drive me home; in actual fact, 'twas gina who drove! laurence held era and we just stood beside the road on the grass and waited for gina to come. luckily, the sun hadn't set yet, so i managed okay.
-back home, i used the loo once (needless to say that PIG mum gleefully forced me to do everything myself) before plopping online.
-dearest dad arrived home from baddy a short while ago; he's upstairs having his shower now.
-fingers crossed i can bbl, else toms:
-10/11am UQ physio session with alison. will she and bec remember that i'm belinda? XD
-fingers crossed that i can get some warm udon for lunch afterwards, and bring back one sushi roll for arvo tea!
-carol's coming to supervise my shower @ 4pm. actually, i think it's her, she should have returned from her cruise holiday. i'll check the roster after this gets posted. righteo, hope everyone has a smashing week!
em. ^^

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