Monday, July 8, 2013

tuesday post 127

good afternoon! firstly ... digi has gone missing!!! >< he snapped off his string somewhere between vincent the bloody physio's place, fasta pasta and home!! >< and secondly, TWFT topic's 'the blame game (3)' but thirdly and most importantly, i'm still owed TWENTY-ONE MINUTES online when i get back from our toastmasters changeover function!!! anyways, events for today?
~this morning, i went and got my ear syringed!! i can hear properly again!!! :D only now i'm asking PIG mum, "why are you bellowing @ me? i'm like, right beside you, you know?" and she's like, "oh, sorry, i got used to talking to you @ this volume, what with you being partially deaf and all." XD
-torture session with vincent the bloody physio. >< today: three-five attempts before sitting, exercises for ela, ball exercises and bending to retrieve items from floor several times.
-we met mr. and mrs. dent @ the springwood fasta pasta for lunch! i got some pasta dish with chicken, ravioli, i think it was, but next time i'm eating there, i'm sticking to fettucine cabonara (my favourite). i haven't had white sauce for ages! mr. dent, who's sixty-seven (meaning that mrs. dent's sixty-three) had my favourite fettucine cabonara. we all drank water and had half a slice of yummy garlic bread each.
-lol, i happily ate my pasta slowly, happy to let PIG mum totally control any talking. in fact, i took so long, PIG mum asked me twice, "how about i doggy bag some home?" i'm like, "no thanks, i'll eat faster." XD we also learnt that baby alexis can walk/wobble five steps all on her own now! also, we won't see them again till like august because they're all converging down in melbourne for nana to meet her SECOND great-grandchild!
-before leaving, PIG mum took me once to the loo. oh, look, my mnthlies have arrived.
-back home, i realised i'd lost digi. >< hopefully PIG mum'll go and buy me another one when carol lockwood's supervising my shower...
-carol's taking me to the changeover function for toastmasters tonight! we're going to the sebel; hope it's lotsa fun!
-toms: another torture session with vincent the bloody physio. >< actually, after getting my ear syringed this morning, 'twas only 10:30am, so PIG mum had me ring vincent the bloody physio and ask could i come thirty minutes early. i could, and turns out he answers his phone with a mumbled, "unique physiotherapy, how can i help you?" XD that's the first time i've ever hears him speak so fast! XD
-aunty mecky will come spend three hours with me, starting from 11:30am.
-and dunno who's coming to supervise my shower toms arvo, coz poor carol's still recovering from her holiday trip and my new roster doesn't start until wednesday! but my old one finished with june ... perhaps i'll e-mail claire and ask her. righteo, fingers crossed i can bbl tonight, else hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
em. ^^

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