Thursday, January 24, 2013

thursday post 126b

heylo again and good evening! firstly, em's new plodding total for thursday now stands @ 3373 and secondly, joni's devotional topic's 'loved ones in glory'. righteo, just quickly, coz it's nearly 8:40 and i've got other things i wanna do before PIG mum boots me off to bed, events for today?
-i used the pot :P three times last night, once this morning and once more when dearest dad left for work. then i cuddled bear bear and successfully fell back asleep with him before PIG mum came and poked me with "fifteen more minutes."
-when she came back, i used the pot :P once more for three tinkles and PIG mum got me kitted. then she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the bathroom to brush my teeth (poor ela) before she gleefully FORCED :( me to walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-breakfast was two yummy weetbix with the merest, shortest and thinnest stream of honey ever, plus all my usual drugs :P and one full mug of water.
-then i went to the loo once before kathleen arrived to take me to the CODA australia day party!
-actually, i wanna write a special blog post about that; please check out sometime over the weekend for that!
-back home, PIG mum tootled us off to the sushi train for lunch, yay~ and we saw zoe. :o)
-after lunch, PIG mum tootled me back home. one quick loo trip (it goes without saying that horrid PIG mum gleefully forced me to do everything, of course) then i plopped briefly online, until karen brought some pastor to meet me!
-the pastor dude prayed @ the beginning, then after asking me did i believe in god (i said yes, obviously), he asked me to explain to him what i believed. i answered to him sth like, 'that jesus is the son of god who came to earth in human form and died for all us sinners. he rose on the third day, returned to heaven to live with god, and if we believe in him, we'll have eternal life with him up in heaven."
-pastor lau prayed again before i walked him out. he says it can't hurt for me to try praying again to god and ask him to please heal me, so i'll start trying again tonight.
-i returned briefly online until annette arrived, just before 4pm.
-she Forced me to walk to the bathroom for my nice hot shower - i washed and rinsed my own hair today.
-i had one tinkle before i flipped the nice hot water off, mostly dried myself (annette helped with only my back and era), mostly creamed myself (again, annette helped only with my back and era) then mostly rekitted myself (annette helped only with elf's AFO).
-annette  Forced me to walk out to the gobbling :P table to make my arvo toastie - but she lemme make a double perfect one! :D that's SIX times this month already! with the toastie, i also made myself one mug of twinings english breakfast tea, white sweetened with one spoonful of honey, my mug for today to hold 'incorrectly'.
-hey, brb!
em. ^^

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