Monday, August 16, 2021

Monday Post 327e

 Good evening again and one final greeting for tonight! Em's final, final plodding total for Monday now stands @ 4066.. Ha, I'm just over four grand. XD Righteo, final, final events for tonight?

  • After publishing the previous post I Facebooked briefly and then went back to composing my newest blog entry.
  • At 9pm, I walked myself once more slowly and safely to the loo for one tinkle and back, always rising above the cruel and unfaithful Gods near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over. 
  • Toms: originally Hannah was minding me 9-1 but tonight CODA rang, said she's sick and Neesha's coming instead. PIG mum'll prolly send us park walking.
  • Neesha will see me home and showered before leaving @ 1pm.
  • Originally I had my yearly eye test booked @ Bupa Optical but PIG mum missed a call from them this arvo and presumably they'll ring again tomorrow arvo? 
  • No Toastmasters toms night; hoping to spend my most important two hours of the day online, eat some arvo tea and read for one hour and then watch the 6pm bulletin for the 87TH time!
  • Righteo, hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
    Em. ^^
    P.S. Tee hee, tonight I've managed FIVE posts! XD Yeah, I can usually manage five most Mondays now. XD

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