Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Wednesday Post 277b

 Heylo again, good evening and potentially one final greeting for tonight! Firstly, Em's potential final, final plodding total for Wednesday now stands @ 2700 and secondly, Joni's devotional topic's "Finding God's Will." Righteo, just briefly, potential final, final events for tonight?

  • Choir practice began promptly - and we got to sing The Diamantina Drover! Ahh, the memories~
  • Did another stinky unspeakable before returning online~ 
  • Toms: someone new called Meredith's comg to help me up and taking me to GCCW, if it's happening. Hope she's nice!
  • Then: excitement: monthly book club dinner @ 5:45pm! Di'll take me home afterwards; originally she was saying it's too cold for ice cream but I'll try persuade her that she can have an apple pie while I eat the ice cream!! XD Righteo, hopefully bbl, else hope everyone's having a smashing week!
    Em. ^^

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