Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Tuesday Post 276b

 Heylo again, good evening and potentially one final greeting for tonight! Firstly, Em's potential final, final plodding total for Tuesday now stands @ 2172 (ha, I'm over two grand XD) and secondly, Our Daily Bread's topic's 'Love That Disciplines'. Righteo, potential final, final events for tonight?

  • Lol surely PIG mum must have some internal clock I'm unaware of; just when I was about to call upstairs and feed me some arvo tea, she came downstairs!
  • For arvo tea I had to let her gleefully force poor Ela to feed me one yummy banana. I didn't mind too much, since I was seated and could fully concentrate.
  • I did mind, however, that next I had to let her gleefully FORCE :( me to do five rounds of that Clock Yourself thing for her.
  • Actually I was feeling peckish; after having the fruit, I asked could she feed me like a bikkie? PIG mum rummaged the cupboard and we both munched one of dearest dad's digestive bikkies. While doing so, I randomly passed another two levels of Farm Heroes!
  • Finally, she left me alone to read for thirty minutes more, since I'd already read for thirty minutes this arvo when Hannah was still here.
  • Before returning online, I used the loo for one more tinkle.
  • Looking forward to watching the 6pm news bulletin (Nine's) for the 83RD time!
  • Toms: think Kim's minding me 9-2? Although I vaguely recall she can't make it... hope CODA found someone who'll cover her shift!
  • Seeing Ray for some massage and acupuncture toms; bet PIG mum's simply DYING to yap ceaselessly @ him. XD
  • Then most excitingly, I think it's our monthly book club dinner toms night! PIG mum'll drive me to Springwood Towers (that Vietnamese restaurant) and Dianne will gimme a lift home afterwarrds.
  • Righteo, hopefully bbl after dinner, else hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
    Em. ^^
    P.S. All the interesting surnames I saw while watching the 6pm news bulletin (Nine's) for the 83RD time: Palaszczuk, Crisafulli, Atkins, Gollschewski, Radovanovich, Hazzard, Hinwood,  Weimar, Fabris, Holland, Schrinner, Bone, Dubler, Uhlmann, Bandt, Albanese, Haines, Calcutt, Giuffre, McCrindle,  Bromdale, Heinke,  Glover, Kearsley, Tudge (heard), Rice, Wise, Shastri, Tassone, Pullar,  Asad (first name), Don, Holbrook, Lester, Ingall, Feeny, korobeite and Cobbo (heard).. Garry Youngberry read the weather report from Redcliffe and Wally Lewis read the sports report. 1AUD = 73.30 USc. Brisbane was 12-21 today. Mt. Gravatt toms: 10-22. Sunrise 6:21am sunrise 5:25pm.

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