Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Tuesday Post 366b

 Heylo again, good evening and potentially one final greeting for tonight! Em's potential final, final plodding total for Tuesday now stands @ 4126. Ha, I'm over four grand. XD Righteo, potential final, final events for tonight?

  • Precisely two hours after I'd started my most important two hours online, I got off the computter, headed over to the gobbling :P table and munched the yummy banana PIG mum had kindly left out for me before going with dearest dad on walkies. Since they weren't home, I also scooted my armchair over to get my mobile coz I wanted to play Farm Heroes. XD
  • The parents get home; PIG mum immediately starts saying she's gonna find a book to further lift the mobile higher; I quickly die, use the loo for one tinkle and return online; the stand's great but it really annoys me when PIG mum tries to prop up everything higher just to improve my poosture! *sigh*
  • Righteo, hopefully bbl after dinner tonight, else wishing everyone a smashing day toms!
    Em. ^^
    P.S. All the interesting surnames I saw whilr watching the 6pm news bulletin (Seven's), for the 80TH time, read out by Sharyn Ghidella and Max Futcher: Gollschewski, Whop, Heathwood, Balme, Titmus, Tate (heard), Haikerwal, (Sonu (first name), Mullany, Stratton, Freeman, Love, Marburg,  Marschall, Tiernan, Reason, Chesterman, Browning, Hoy, Etherington, Rose (heard), Vella (heard), Spy (heard), Kerr (heard), Gaze (heard), Tolo, Greenhalgh, Knighton, Hubbard, Archibald (heard), Pakula, Niu, Oates, Farnworth, Proctor, Cockatoo and Beretta. Shane Webcke read the sports report and Gemma Acton read the finance report; 1AUD = 73.94USc. Tony Auden read the weather report. Brisbane was 16-25 today. Mt. Gravatt toms: 9-22. Sunrise 6:27am Sunset 5:22pm.

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