Thursday, August 19, 2021

Thursday Post 328c

 Good evening again and definitely one final greeting for tonight! Firstly, Em's final, final plodding total for Thursday now stands @ 6379; secondly, Joni's devotional topic's 'His Yoke Is Easy' and thirdly, Our Daily Bread's devotional topic's 'Remember And Celebrate'. But just noting that Carina took me to Sunnybank Hills Shoppingtown for my fortnightly shopping trip; I read a new Lian Hearn novel for one hour, we bought groceries (I bumped into Caitlin!) and we had lunch with Pastor Grace. Did a second stinky unspeakable in the arvo and tonight was the TENTH time this month I've not had to get myself cutlery for all three meals this month! After dinner wrote a ten page letter to Kim coz tomorrow's her last shift with me ever! Will see Aunty Ann for a comfy massage toms morning before Kim minds me from 3-5pm; PIG mum's baking her a cake right now! Tiff's coming to gimme a session of OT toms arvo. Righteo, hope everyone has a smashing end to the week toms!
Em. ^^
P.S. Yay, ice cream nightt tonight; like I say every week; a very little's better than none @ all!

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