Sunday, August 29, 2021

Sunday Post 329b

 Heylo again, good evening and potentially one final greeting for tonight! Em's potential final, final plodding total for Sunday now stands @ 3882. Righteo, potential final, final events for today?

  • After washing and drying Era, I climb into the backseat of her 4WD and she tootles us off to church. On arrival, I use the loo for one tinkle and enter the classroom; as usual, I'm the first student to arrive. PIG mum dashes upstairs for the Canto service.
  • About seven students attended today; three online and four in-person. Uncle William covered the second half of Hebrews chapters seven and eight.
  • Sfter Bible study was over, I used the loo again for one tinkle (thankfully the disabled loo lid had been lifted; this morning 'twas closed but horrid PIG mum refused to lift it for me), hauled myself upstairs and took my usual spot for ESS.
  • Sweet, I got to remain seated for worship again. Today I sang everything, plus the harmony for three songs, but like every other week, meant absolutely NOTHING. >< *sigh*
  • Speaker today was Pastor Chris; his sermon topic was 'Inter-generational Ministry'.
  • After service, I was gonna use the loo for one tinkle but Bernard left the loo lid down and dad refused to lift it for me, hence why I didn't go. In response, dad refused to take us to Maccas for lunch.
  • Back home, I used the loo for one tinkle and then headed to the gobbling :P table.
  • Dad somehow got Lebanese bread/wrap; he fried an egg, I mashed avocado and put one squirt of garlic aoili on top; yum!
  • Lunch was washed down with one mug of green tea; before returning online I did another stinky unspeakable.
  • Before I'd used up my most important two hours online, PIG mum gleefully bootedd me offline and I had to let her gleefully FORCE :( me to head outside and take down the day's washing; argh, I HATES standing practice! >< *sigh*
  • Back inside, I then had to let her gleefully force poor Ela to feed me strawberries, which PIG mum deliberately sliced up so that Ela had more work to do. However, I'm proud that Ela fed me all the sliced strawberries before dearest dad got home, meaning PIG mum didn't get the chance to see how much power she has over me, ha.
  • After PIG mum dried my back and the back of the chair for me, I did everything else; PIG mum didn't feature again until my bra strap and Elf's AFO straps  needed doing.and both laces needed tying.
  • After using the loo for one more tinkle and washing and drying Era, I returned online.
  • Waiting for dad to finish showering so we can go out for our once-weekly family dinner and not only that, their anniversary celebration!
  • Toms: presuming PIG mum'll help me up; Adama's coming @ 9am and taking me to the NAB for physio.
  • Unsure if I've got anything happening toms arvo; I asked PIG mum and she replied she doesn't know coz she's hungry and can't think. XD
  • But hopefully bbl after dinner, else wishing everyone a smashing week ahead!
    Em. ^

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