Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Tuesday Post 276d

 One final good evening and greeting for tonight! Em's final, final plodding total for tonight now stands  @ 2430. Righteo, final, final events for tonight?

  • After publishing the previous post I alternated between Facebooking and editing my newest blog post.
  • At 9pm, I walked myself once more slowly and safely to the loo for one tinkle and back, always rising above the cruel and unfaithful Gods near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over. 
  • Toms: PIG mum doesn't remember the name of the carer who's helping me up! XD I've asked her when she opens my door and gives me fifteen more minutes to say 'name' is here. XD
  • Presuming we'll go for walkies @ Calamvale Central coz I did my outdoor walking with Hannah today.
  • Arvo appointment to see Ray for some massage and acupuncture; bet PIG mum's simply DYING to yap ceaselessly @ him. XD
  • Planning to spend my most important two hours of the day online when I get home, ask PIG mum to please feed me some arvo tea, hopefully read for one hour and then join choir practice from 5:30pm till 6:30pm!
  • Righteo, hope everyone has a smashing day toms!
    Em. ^^

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