Saturday, June 8, 2019

Saturday Post 257c

Good evening again! Firstly, Em's new plodding total for Saturday now stands @ 1280 (not bad for someone who's not left the house today, eh? XD) and secondly, Joni's devotional topic's "It's Counterintuitive'. Anyways, continuing tonight's events?
  • Once I'd published the previous post, I let PIG mum gleefully force me to complete my day's HEP for her, beginning with the six minute walk. Oh, that's why I'm over 1000 steps without leaving the house.
  • Cup practice followed that. The annoying thing is, before I practise that task, I first haveta let PIG mum gleefully force poor Ela to feed me one plateful of fruit first. I'm pretty sure it's so she gets the chance to boss and order me around, saying you've gotta do it this/that way … sometimes I wonder does she think I'm honestly thick in the head and don't fully understand the task I'm trying to achieve?? Well, of COURSE I know what I'm meant to be doing but unfortunately the message gets lost going from my idiot brain to idiot Ela! *sigh*
  • Finally I did the fifty sit-to-stands. Mostly I'm just proud of myself that PIG mum accepted the first fifty I did and I was back online just before dearest dad got home~
  • off to compose my Furious Fiction entry now! Fingers crossed I can bbl after dinner, else hoping to see everyone @ church toms!


    Em. ^^

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