Sunday, July 11, 2021

Monday Post 363c

 Good afternoon! Firstly, Em's new plodding total for Monday now stands @ only 828 (but going out next and will have a more substantial plodding total to report afterwards) but secondly and way more importantly, I'm really still owed FOUR MINUTES online afterwards!! Righteo, continuing today's events?

  • Usually, nature calls every hour after that first pot :P trip, but today I had an incredible snore and didn't wake again for the pot :P until dearest dad again very considerately walked silently down the hallway and unpopped the lock leading into the garage!
  • Whoops ... after dearest dad retucked me back into bed and left for his hard day's work, I happily snore for another hour, waking once more around 9am to use the pot :P again and thinking PIG mum will doubtless start a-THUMPING around soon ... only then I totally fall back asleep and don't wake again till almost 10am!! I bang the wall for PIG mum, skip giving myself fifteen more and get kitted immediately, but by the time PIG mum's done doing Elf's AFO straps, both laces and I head out to the bathroom to brush teeth, it's already 10:20am. Will definitely have returned to bed come 10:20pm tonight and will felt that I've wasted the whole day, being back in bed before twelve hours have passed. >< *sigh* 
  • After getting myself a spoon for breakfast, I slurp one bowl of plain porridge, munch one slice of dry (unbuttered) toast, pop all my usual drugs :P and drink one full mug of water. Over breakfast, I spent another ten minutes continuing my mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me get through today okay. I find it's exceedingly important to constantly remind the cruel and unfaithful God that He has no bearing  on  my good day whatsoever, that I am perfectly capable of having a good day without Him, despite Him and apart from Him, because my good day's dependent on my own good attitude. If only God would remember that ... *sigh* He created the phrase 'live and let live', so why the heck can't He lemme live the free, independent life that I deserve? Okay, fair enough, we all only deserve death because of Him, but why can't He just lemme live the life that nearly everyone else gets to live?? *sigh*
  • Breakfast finished, I walk myself slowly and safely to the toilet, rising above the cruel and unfaithful Gods near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over. There, I do a stinky unspeakable, also leaning fully against the side rail and spend minutes finishing my mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel. Remember, however the cruel and unfaithful God tries to make my day bad for me, I won't let that affect me because my good day has NOTHING to do with Him; I'm perfectly capable of having a good day without Him, despite Him and apart from Him. See, my good day's dependent on my own good attitude!
  • That done, after washing and drying Era, I walk myself slowly and safely back online, again rising above the cruel and unfaithful Gods near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over. 
  • Tootling online, I stay @ the computer until I'm summoned over for lunch.
  • After using the loo for one tinkle, I walk myself slowly and safely to the gobbling :P table, always rising above the cruel and unfaithful Gods near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over. For lunch, I make myself a tuna in tomato and onion toasted sandwich. I get the ingredients from the fridge and freezer, take two slices of bread from the loaf, take one slice of cheese from the packet, carry everything over to the toaster, build the sandwich, stick it into the sandwich press and turn it on, then go and sit down. PIG mum demanded I get up again to flip the toastie but brought the finished toastie over to me; I immediately started eating lest she demand I cut it for her holding tthe knife 'correctly'! XD
    Em. ^^

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