Monday, October 10, 2016

Monday Post 171c

Good evening and probably one final greeting for Monday! Em’s probable final, final plodding total for Monday now stands @ … wait, need PIG mum to gimme back noisy first. XD Anyways, final, final events for tonight?

-        Lol, Dr. Lee arrived five minutesa early tonight! I was just gonna head to the loo, when ding dong! PIG mum opened the door for him, I visited the loo once quickly and off we went!
-        Yay, I got a comfy seat @ Woka Woka! The most left, of course~
-        Everyone soon arrived and we were flipping through the menu. Originally, we were gonna share, but Mikey decided to eat separately coz he’s got lotsa food he’s unable to eat, then Dr. Lee decided I’d better eat by myself also coz my voice was still croaky. I promise that the rest of me’s fine, though! Anyways, I ordered this delicious honey BBQ pork baked rice and a cold milk tea; thanks to PIG mum who left me twenty bucks for dinner! I ate as fast as I could, meaning I still finished second last. XD Mikey was really considerate; after a little while, he asked, “Em, how come you’re so quiet tonight? Usually you’re talking with us; is everything alright?” I croaked back @ him, “Thanks, Mikey. I’m fine, but I just got over the flu. Physically I’m all better now, but my voice is still shot, so I figured I’d better just listen tonight.” XD
-        Lol, when we first all arrived, everyone had to give up their mobile phones and stack them on the table. Whoever reached for their phone had to pay the bill. Technically Dr. Lee lost, coz his phone rang and he answered it! “But nobody ever rings me!” he protested. Turns out Mikey was pranking him. XD
-        Afterwards, everyone went to pay. I joined the line too, but Kerry pulled out a chair for me! “Sit first, Em,” he invited. “We’ll line up.” Then we went outside and sat outside Woolies while Clara and Josh went into Woolies to buy ice cream! Too bad I wouldn’t get to partake in any, coz after Dr. Lee dropped me home, he was joining the rest back @ church where they were rearranging the chairs after poor baby amelia’s funeral this morning.
-        So after dr. Lee dropped me back off home, I used the loo once then returned online. Chatted on the mobile to dearest dad a bit~
-        Toms: early arvo UQ physio for Ela, 1.5 hours with Ray and Tabitha/Bonnie. XD Dunno will PIG mum take me grocery shopping in the morning, or will she order I get started on my essay. Either’s fine with me.
-        Someone’s coming to mind me @ 4pm and taking me out to Toastmasters afterwards, so fingers crossed PIG mum will lemme buy some dinner back from Maccas; never mind that Happy Meals were what I ate @ LEAST two DECADES ago!
-        Anyways, hope everyone has a smashing day toms!

Em. ^^
P.S. Alas that I'm really still owed TWENTY MINUTES online!!! >< The list grows ever longer ... *sigh*

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