Friday, May 26, 2017

Friday Post 252c

Good evening and potentially one final greeting for tonight! Firstly, Em's potential final, final plodding total for Friday now stands @ 902 (lol, if dad lets me return online after dinner tonight, hopefully I'll have passed 1000 steps!) and secondly, the potential final, final spam count for the week's now sixty-five. Righteo, events for today?
- Yay, 5th consecutive awesome sleep last night! Nature didn't call until 6:25am; actually, nature called when the noisy garbage truck thundered down our road before the sun had even risen but I told my bladder I wasn't gonna get up and pee until the Sun had risen enough that I could tell the time without needing to turn my bedside lamp on. XD
- The teddies and I cuddled and snored, me waking hourly for the pot :P begore Kim knocked her arrival @ 10am. Dad didn't hear her, so Era banged the wall and I yelled for him; turns out dad was upstairs.
- Ending @ 5p;37pm, I've played one game of Bejeweled lasting 5:54. Now, lemme play one more lasting in between six and seven minutes, and I'm content to call it quits until toms. XD
- Kim smartly remembered to gimme more fifteen more minutes, thus saving her the wrath of the Bear Bum. XD
- After Kim got me kitted, I went over to the bathroom and brushed teeth, sat over the loo for two tinkles, washed and dried Era then walked myself slowly and safely out to the gobbling :P table, rising above the cruel and unfaithful God's near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
- Fingers crossed I can bbl, else hope everyone has a smashing weekend ahead!
Em. ^^
P.S. At 6pm, I played one more game of Bejeweled lasting  6:05. That’s Friday’s quotas satisfied, and now I’ll willingly hit the sack tonight. XD Actually, tonight I’ve also played two more noteworthy ones lasting more than eight minutes!

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