Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday Post 162b

Heylo again and good evening! Em's new plodding total for monday now stands @ 5017, which D2 very proudly reports as also equaling 131kcal or 2.19km. XD Anyways, events for today?
-I used the pot :P once last night and once again this morning around 6:20am, before spending the ten minutes till 6:30am having a mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me with the patience, perseverance strength and endurance I needed to get through today with, giving all the pleasure, all the satisfaction to PIG mum and just suffering for her whenever she decided only she could be happy and/or satisfied.
-Afterwards, Daddy Bear  and I resumed our happy snorings together, me waking briefly to kiss dearest dad goodbye and use the pot :P once more when he left for work around 7:45am.
-More happy snorings for Daddy Bear and I after dearest dad left, plus @ least one more pot :P trip for me, before PIG mum came and poked me with "fifteen more minutes."
-When she came back, I used the pot :P once more for only one tinkle, swinging myself back into bed when I realised I felt like doing a stinky unspeakable. PIG mum got me kitted and I let her gleefully FORCE :( me to walk out to the bathroom and brush teeth (poor Ela), before I let her gleefully FORCE :( me to walk out to the gobbling :P table.
-Breakfast was one slice of toast with a miniscule dab of butter and rasberry jam, one full mug of water, one yummy mug of drinking mint chocolate and all my usual drugs. :P
-After breakfast, I walked myself slowly and safely to the toilet and did a stinky unspeakable, rising above the cruel and unfaithful God's near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over. I also leaned fully against the side rail and continued my mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me get through today okay.
-When that was done, I walked over to wash and dry both hands, before I let PIG mum gleefully FORCE :( me to walk out to the 4WD, where she tootled me off to UQ for physio.
-Of course, PIG mum gleefully forced poor Em to buckle her own seatbelt all day; we also listened to the official soundtrack for the 1998 FIFA world cup, too. As for me, I spent most of this trip with both eyes closed, finishing off my mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel, then, opening both eyes somewhere along Coronation Drive, Era helped Ela stretch for five minutes, before Ela opened and closed her palm @ least seventy-five times, holding each for a count of five.
-At UQ, PIG mum took me once to the loo before kindly leaving me with some random magazine and going back downstairs to pay the receptionist. Katie came for me with a walkbelt and Forced me to walk into the gym. Physio today: four laps walking along hallway, fifteen sit-to-stands, work for Ela doing Chinese six and standing balance @ the parallel bars for about 6.5mins.
-Afterwards, PIG mum took me once more to the loo then tootled me off to Garbo to meet Mrs. Dent @ the Coffee Club for lunch! While she drove, Era helped Ela stretch for fifteen minutes, before Ela opened and closed her palm 100 times, holding each for a count of five.
-At Garbo, I let PIG mum gleefully FORCE :( me to walk into the Coffee Club, where we found these comfy leather sofa seats!
-When Mrs. Dent arrived, I was all ready to FINALLY get one plate of eggs benedict TO MYSELF (i.e. not share half with PIG mum), like she'd PROMISED I could, only she went back on her word, legislating that I was only allowed a small meal coz I was seeing Lei shifu for a massage afterwards! She then promised she'd lemme have one for myself the next time I had lunch @ the Coffee Club but didn't have a massage afterwards, and Mrs. Dent bore witness, so hopefully the food goal I've had since March 2013 will finally be met!! :D
So I tried asking for all these other different meals; all were turned down until finally PIG mum lemme have the one I had with Mrs. Dent when she took me to the Coffee Club back in 2010, when PIG mum had gone back to Hong Kong to take care of my most beloved grandma. Another argh was that she only lemme have a pineapple juice and not a shake. :o(
-The funny thing during lunch was PIG mum's yapping!! XD She yapped and yapped; Mrs. Dent finished her lunch while PIG mum was barely even halfway through hers, then PIG mum yapped, yapped and yapped some more so that when I'd finished my open grill AND my pineapple juice but she STILL wasn't much further through hers! XD Finally, I asked her could she please just focus on her lunch and let Mrs. Dent talk some herself. XD So while she wolfed down her food, Mrs. Dent told me Renee's pregnant with TWINS! and that Mr. Dent was @ home babysitting Lexi, who would be taking her nap soon.
-Afterwards, I went once to the loo, then saw Lei shifu for a comfy, if @ times ouchy, massage. PIG mum kindly went to buy me one sushi roll for arvo tea, then came back @ yapped @ Lei shifu.
-Massage over, I drank one mug of lemony watery tea and PIG mum took me once more to the loo before driving us home. While she drove - argh, fingers crossed I can bbl, else I'm owed FIFTY-FIVE MINUTES online!! ><
Em. ^^

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