Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wednesday Post 191c

Good evening again! Em's new plodding total for Wednesday now stands @ 7064, remembering that like 700 of those steps were plodded last night @ Toastmasters.
-Breakfast was one slice of toast with the merest dab of margarine and blackberry jam ever, one full mug of water, one yummy mug of drinking mint chocolate and all my usual drugs. :P While eating breakfast, when PIG mum was upstairs changing, I also continued my mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel, asking him please to help me get through today okay.
-After breakfast, I let PIG mum gleefully FORCE :( me to walk to the 4WD, and she tootled me off to UQ for physio. Of course, she gleefully FORCED :( poor Em to buckle her own seatbelt all day; we also listened to that 1998 FIFA World Cup official album disc two all day, too. While PIG mum drove, I kept both eyes closed, finishing my mostly silent chat to Percy the saint/angel, then, opening both eyes somewhere along Coronation Drive, Era helped Ela stretch for five minutes, before Ela opened and closed her palm @ least fifty times, holding each for a count of five.
-At UQ, I waited for PIG mum to repark the car, then went upstairs to the loo once. Afterwards, PIG mum walked me right into the gym, coz Katie had come out for me just when I was heading into the loo.
-Physio today: four laps walking along hallway, about 2.5-5 minutes standing balance practice, eighteen sit-to-stands and work for Ela.
-Afterwards, PIG mum took me once more to the loo. Coming down, we caught the elevator with Verun and his carer, who introduced himself as Matt!
-As PIG mum drove, Era helped Ela stretch for fifteen minutes, before Ela opened and closed her hand 100 times, holding each for a count of five. Actually, we made a quick detour to Runcorn Plaza Hot Bread, where I got myself a yummy pork salad roll for arvo tea.
-I plopped online awhile to wait for Aunty Deana, coz I don't haveta complete any writers group homework till next Wednesday, and we were going out to get my boot fixed soon, anyway.
-Aunty Deana came shortly after midday and PIG mum went out. Holding hands with Aunty Deana, I walked well to the gobbling :P table with her.
-Alas, PIG mum first gleefully forced poor Ela to feed me one big pile of grapes. Only she'd even peeled them first! Ah, that just reminds me, one of my earliest memories was sitting on the sofa with my most beloved grandma on the sofa; she'd peel a purple grape, feed it to me, repeat~
-Lunch was one yummy tuna in tomato and onion sandwich (my dad's that smart, he even knows which flavour I eat!) with one slice of cheese (thanks Aunty Deana) and one mug of yummy Milo, my first for today to hold 'incorrectly'.
-After lunch, Aunty Deana gave me one mug of water - my second for today to hold 'incorrectly' - then took me to the loo, where I did a stinky unspeakable.
-Then 'twas already time to leave for Goodwill! After going over to wash and dry both hands, PIG mum tootled me off to Goodwill Orthopaedics. While she drove, Era helped Ela stretch for fourteen minutes and Ela opened and closed her palm 100 times.
-I used the loo once on arrival. Thankfully, they've got toilets out the back and I didn't haveta hike upstairs. Then, returning inside, we bumped into ... lol, i've suddenly forgotten his name! XD Oh, Tom Alderman, that's it. Born June/July 1988. Tom showed me into the room, and PIG mum showed him the problem. Tom went and shot my AFO with a heat gun (it sounds more dangerous when I put it that way XD) and had me walk several times to say hello to the receptionist, who introduced me to this other orthotist named Dot.
-Amazing, and the twinge pain has gone! But woah, that little boot cost sth like $580!!
-I'd texted Annette that we were running late; indeed, we didn't get home till like 4:40pm!
-Hey, fingers crossed I can brb, else hope everyone's having a smashing day!
Em. ^^

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