Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tuesday Post 176c

Good evening! Em’s new plodding total for Tuesday from 2pm now stands @ 2138. Unfortunately, the awful parents have quite put me outta the mood of writing down how I spent today in detail, but lemme just note down that I was very happy this morning that I’d achieved another FORTNIGHT of awesome sleeps! :D Actually, it may actually only be my 12TH, excuse my dodgy maths skills. XD Went grocery shopping with PIG mum @ Underwood Marketplace this morning, before having three sushi rolls for lunch then heading out to UQ for Ela’s 1.5hr upper limb session @ the NAB. Physio today: reaching (active and passive), pincer grip reaching while standing, bimanual reaching with baby bottle. Basically, lotsa reaching! XD Came back home, and when someone didn’t arrive by 4:15pm, rang CODA. Turns out there was some kinda mix-up; she didn’t arrive till 4:45pm but had to leave @ 6:30.  whilst showering, I sang 29% of my shorter second-favourite song slowly, softly but most hatefully out aloud, opening both eyes for all the important numbers. Had a banana and a white tea with two sugars for arvo; my main happiness was getting to watch twenty-five minutes of Seven’s 6pm news with someone! Alas, literally the moment she was outta the door, dad came over and demanded I let him gleefully FORCE L me to plod on the bloody cross trainer for him. When I asked him to please switch the thing on first, he chucked a cow @ me and dragged me to the ground! No probs; I’ve learnt how to get myself back upright; after that I just sat and happily read my new book club novel until dad came to his senses and turned the damn machine on. After letting him gleefully FORCE L me to plod 800 steps on the bloody cross trainer for him, of course I was drenched with sweat and required a complete clothes set change. Instead, PIG mum comes in, dumps my new clothes on the footstool and randomly chucks a cow @ me! Lol, I’m lucky she’s such a small build; all those SLAPS, PUNCHES and KICKS she landed on me might’ve really done some damage, had she been of a bigger build! XD Anyways, I got myself changed and back outside, walking myself slowly and safely, rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over. The next unpleasant surprise: horrid PIG mum wouldn’t gimme any rice! Whatever; I just had fish and cabbage for dinner, then went and poured myself one mug of milk after awful PIG mum was (1) too engrossed watching television and (2) being high and mighty by ignoring me to get me one bowl of soup to wash dinner down with. Then I walked myself slowly and safely online, again rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
So hopefully bbl just after 9pm following one final loo trip with my final, final plodding total for today, the final, final events for tonight plus what’s happening toms, else hope everyone has a smashing day toms!

Em. ^^

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