Friday, October 16, 2020

Friday Post 316c

 Good evening and probably one final greeting for tonight! Em's probable final, final plodding total for Friday now stands a tvt 2229. Aw, how come I couldn't have walked seven fewer steps?? 2222 would have been a cooler plodding total! XD But just noting down that I had great fun watching ST: TNG; when that finished, I started watching an episode of ST: VOY when 🐖 mum finished her afternoon nap and ordered me off to shower. Stressful, but she helped me with the hair wash, wow! Afterwards, while she showered I finished watching the episode of ST: VOY and then an episode of Bondi Rescue started! The first story was about this little lost kid; turns out that the family are Canto because when the mother hurried to collect her daughter she rushed over to her and called out, "Girl, where did you go??" XD For our last dinner away dad somehow found and cooked scallops! I got two~ The parents drank white wine; Dad poured me a fat glass of Chinese tea and called it brandy. XD Was ready to return online afterwards but the parents demanded I read for thirty minutes first; I reached pg 222 and 225 at 7:51! The reason why I covered three pages inside one minute is because the chapter ended at page 222 and there was a blank page before the new chapter started at page 225. XD After reading for thirty more minutes I used the loo for one more tinkle and 🐖 mum returned my mobile to me so I could go online. Hoping for one more awesome sleep tonight; if I can manage that I will have achieved the 26TH time this year I have achieved one straight week of consecutive awesome sleeps! That was my record last year! Think checkout is at 9am tomorrow; apparently we won't get home until night? Will be in car all day so expect a pissy plodding total from me. Righteo, hope everyone has a smashing weekend ahead!


Em. ^^

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