Saturday, January 21, 2017

Saturday Post 186b

Heylo again, good afternoon again and potentially one final greeting for tonight! Em’s potential final, final plodding total for Saturday now stands @ 803. righteo, potential final, final events for Saturday?
-        When Kim announced her arrival two minutes early, I walked myself slowly and safely to the front door and let her in, rising above the cruel and unfaithful God’s near-overwhelming hatred and not letting Him push me over.
-        So a nice warm shower for me – I washed and rinsed my hair today. I also sang 27% of my shorter second-favourite song softly, slowly but most hatefully out aloud.
-        After turning the nice warm water off, I mostly dried myself (thanks to Kim who kindly helped me dry my back, Era and both legs), mostly creamed myself (again, thanks to Kim who kindly helped me cream my back, Era and both calves) then mostly rekitted myself (thanks to Kim who kindly helped with Erf’s sock, Elf’s AFO and both laces). After using the loo for one tinkle, I washed and dried Era then headed out to the gobbling :P table.
-        Arvo tea was two yummy passionfruit and one mug of white tea without sugar. I traded in my chance to watch Ten’s sports report to read for one hour instead! Besta found me one that seems like Japanese historical fiction; dunno how I got it, but hey, it’s great! As for Kim, she tidied the bathroom then came and gently massaged Ela for fifty minutes, painting her brown with yellow spots today.
-        At 5:55pm, Kim took me once more to the loo for two tinkles. She’s back Monday arvo.
-        Dad’s high school mate (they haven’t seen each other for FORTY YEARS!) and wife are over tonight for dinner!
-        So hopefully bbl tonight, else hoping to see everyone @ church toms!

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